PMDG于昨日正式宣布,停止一切P3DV4的开发,其初录端倪的PMDG 737NG3产品为新平台FS2020独占,不回再再P3D平台中出现,对新平台意义重大。 我觉得是好事哈哈~ 本帖最后由 mrw79 于 2019-11-8 11:32 编辑不好意思,刚发布仅限P3Dv4.4+的产品,NGXu:
PS:买了这个就等同于FS2020 NG3价格优惠(谁知道卖多少)
As part of our strategic objective to simplify our development agenda, we are pivoting to dedicate all of our development resources to our Prepar3D v4 product lines and to our upcoming Microsoft Flight Simulator product lines
mrw79 发表于 2019-11-8 10:54
不好意思,刚发布仅限P3Dv4.4+的产品,NGXu: ...
虽然英文不好 但感觉你这说法靠谱 毕竟FS2020还没出 P3D的64位以后也是主流了 zll910413 发表于 2019-11-8 11:58
虽然英文不好 但感觉你这说法靠谱 毕竟FS2020还没出 P3D的64位以后也是主流了...
End of Development for all 32bit platforms: We have previously announced that we will no longer develop products for FSX, FSX-Steam Edition or Prepar3D v3. We are expanding this stop order to include future product updates. EfXXXtive immediately there will be no planned updates to any of our 32bit offerings, and we are actively evaluating the End-of-Life process for all FSX, FSX-Steam Edition and Prepar3D v3 titles. Shortly we will announce an End-of-Life date for product sales of 32bit versions that is estimated to be within the next 6 months. We will continue to offer technical support for existing customers well after these products are removed from sale, however and anyone who has purchased them will still have full access to them within their PMDG purchase history at Summary: If you own these products it won't impact you. We are simply going to end new sales in the near future.
End of Development for Xplane platforms: For some time we have been watching market metrics with the Xplane platform and evaluating our own development schedule in order to find a gap into which we can slide a dedicated Xplane development cycle. As part of our strategic objective to simplify our development agenda, we are pivoting to dedicate all of our development resources to our Prepar3D v4 product lines and to our upcoming Microsoft Flight Simulator product lines. EfXXXtive immediately, we are no longer evaluating an Xplane development cycle at any point in the current five year window, nor do we see any active XPlane development time being allocated at PMDG.
理解有误,只是停止32位的开发,怎么可能会停止p3d的开发呢? mrw79 发表于 2019-11-8 10:54
不好意思,刚发布仅限P3Dv4.4+的产品,NGXu: ...
确实没有说停止v4的开发,但是NG3目前仅为MFS2020独占是挺让人失望的,什么时候上v4都不好说。不过能让PMDG现在这么专注于MFS2020的开发很可能是内部看到了2020的新平台真的很强,要不这个决定赌得就真的很大了。现在看是越来越期待新平台的表现了:lol NGU就是个过渡产品而已,未来FS发布了根据PMDG的口气,双向开发占用人力物力,不就意味着停止吗 所以,NG3是什么鬼? Mike_Bannis 发表于 2019-11-8 13:59
NGU就是个过渡产品而已,未来FS发布了根据PMDG的口气,双向开发占用人力物力,不就意味着停止吗 ...
不是的,P3D只是停止到v3。PMDG论坛说的是要简化开发过程,不会像多平台发展了,以后开发资源只用于P3Dv4和MFS2020的产品线,但是当前工作的重点肯定是MFS2020上的NG3以及移植其他已有波音系列的产品到MFS上。 不会吧 不是应该一起开发吗 楼主要看全啊! 谢谢楼上各位,学习了!!! 集中精力为了下一代首发。 p3d被遗忘了,呵呵 看来要放弃FSX了,不知FS2020会不会继续做下去 所以,NG3是什么鬼? 这个是重大新闻!!! 重大新闻呀 看来2020真的很让人期待喔 我倒是希望这种事儿多多益善~毕竟一个开发团队的精力和时间有限,多平台发展乍一看好像很厉害,但想要把每个模型都做好那是不可能的~像PMDG这样,我觉得就是对自己和玩家负责~期待他们的2020吧~