最新版pmdg737V5,安装2101导航数据后,输入所在机场代码,显示不在database,输了好几个都是这样,都是大机场,什么安克雷奇,西雅图啥的,不知还有没有遇到这问题的朋友,该如何解决?ps,FSL导航数据一切正常 Go to the directory where your simulator is installed, delete the airports.dat and ARPT_RWY.dat in PMDG-NAVDATA-and try reinstalling your airac version. I was getting this error in previous versions. This is how I solved it. OK,Thanks a lot!!!Go to the directory where your simulator is installed, delete the airports.dat and ARPT_RWY.dat in PMDG-NAVDATA-and try reinstalling your airac version. I was getting this error in previous versions. This is how I solved it