请问有没有适用于Mac的摇杆的推荐,价格不要太贵,最好在一万以下。鼠标玩的太难受了。。。。。TCA油门+摇杆(2000左右) 我用的PS4的手柄 推荐成都造,军机民航都可以飞 TCA油门+摇杆 同求
本帖最后由 luvefly 于 2021-8-23 15:29 编辑
我还不知道X-Plane有MAC osx版本呢:'(
--------- X-Plane 11
Minimum Hardware Requirements:
[*]CPU: Intel Core i3, i5, or i7 CPU with 2 or more cores, or AMD equivalent. (Dual-core CPUs slower than 3 GHz should try the demo before purchasing.)
[*]Memory: 8 GB RAM
[*]Video Card: a DirectX 11-capable video card from NVIDIA, AMD or Intel with at least 1 GB VRAM
If your system is borderline, we encourage you to try the demo first. The full version of the simulator will perform exactly the same as the demo—neither better nor worse.
Recommended Hardware Requirements:
[*]CPU: Intel Core i5 6600K at 3.5 ghz or faster
[*]Memory: 16-24 GB RAM or more
[*]Video Card: a DirectX 12-capable video card from NVIDIA, AMD or Intel with at least 4 GB VRAM (GeForce GTX 1070 or better or similar from AMD)
Supported Video Cards:
[*]NVIDIA: NVIDIA GeForce 600 or newer
[*]AMD: AMD HD7000 with GCN core or newer
[*]Intel: HD4000 or newer
Supported Operating Systems:
[*]OS X: OS X 10.11 or newer (e.g. El Capitan, Sierra, High Sierra, Mojave, Catalina)
[*]Windows: Windows 8 or 10, 64-bit
[*]Linux: Varies
[*]While X-Plane 11 will run on Linux, we don’t provide support for specific distributions; if you want to run on Linux, you will need to try X-Plane on your distribution to see if it is compatible. With that in mind, we have developers using Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04 LTS successfully.
[*]For Linux, we require the proprietary driver from AMD or NVIDIA to run X-Plane. You may be able to get X-Plane to run on the Mesa/Gallium driver with an Intel GPU, but this is unsupported.We absolutely do not support the fully open source drivers for AMD and NVIDIA.
无脑TCA,单摇杆只要500多 大部分图马斯特的杆子都支持mac,只要加一个c to a转接口即可 图马斯特的几乎都可以用,然后就是罗技的几款 MAC能玩XP11吗 厉害了。。。。。。 图马斯特,250快 咸鱼买的很好用感觉比TCA的好用 节流阀买就买3D打印的,或者TCA的也行,只需要图马斯特手柄+TCA或3D打印节流阀就可以了 别的不需要买