Peters A 的380 800机模做的怎样?有用过的吗
最近考虑入手一款空客的试试,之前一直是波音系。对官方网站那个380不太满意,但是看到赞助链接里面有个PA 的网站有另外一款380,不知道怎么样?他的网站是说的很好,不知道实际是什么情况?毕竟不便宜要 46 欧元是xp的插件吗?貌似fsx的插件没听说过! 嗯,对是xplane的,刚刚仔细看了看,就是官网卖的那个。。。。。 入空客建议入JAR公司的320neo和330,这两款比380好太多了,我觉得那个380玩破解的就行了,应该很少有人会去买那款正版的。 不知到哪个是最好的380插件 机器配置不够啊,只能在FSX 380的插件应该要差点 再等等算了,继续撸波音:( 有pmdg水准的airbus就好了 听说peter's a380不错 那个380做的凑合 入正版绝对后悔 比FSX的要好多了 前天给peter 发了封信,问问320Neo的FMC开发情况,和A380 专业版的开发情况,回信在下面
Dear Charles,
we strictly do not give predictions of release dates, since experience has shown that they would always be wrong, which would make customers disappointed or angry.
As for the new MCDU, I can only tell you that is under development by an Airbus expert who is working in real aviation. For this reason he can only do it in his leisure time and cannot be pushed. However his work is pretty much advanced.
The A380 EXPERT is on a temporary hold in favor of several other projects, which have to be finished first. We will continue within a few months.
Kind regards
做得还可以,不过没有3D座舱 没有3D座舱,2D面板不错 huazhorg 发表于 2016-1-21 22:35
等他们的专业版吧,估计年中以后就有了 比起rotate MD80或jardesign或FF團隊的飛機,PETER的A380材質貼圖很糟糕且不真實,希望未來能有所改進。 是xp的插件吗?貌似fsx的插件没听说过! 不怎么样= =实话实说 jard的330和320,很不错