各位好!我用的是X-Plane 10.42版本,准备组2块Titan X SLI,不知道游戏本身支持不支持啊?请赐教,谢谢!X-Plane 10.4以上都支持SLI了。 taiquan1989 发表于 2016-2-18 14:04
X-Plane 10.4以上都支持SLI了。
大哥我信你。你可别蒙我啊…… taiquan1989 发表于 2016-2-18 14:04
X-Plane 10.4以上都支持SLI了。
大哥,你这个的出处在哪里啊?能把连接发给小弟么,谢谢 好像支持SLI,不过与其加钱上双卡还不如换CPU,XP10对显卡要求不是很高的 侧风zuosi 发表于 2016-2-20 15:20
错。。。。对显卡要求也高。。。我用的服务级别CPU E3-1220 3.1GHZ, 32G内存,应该不错了吧?但是显卡去是GTX960 ,拖了后腿,全高级设置帧数只有10几,遇到云多就只有几帧。 换了GTX980后到了30多帧。说明CPU到一定程度后关键看显卡 SLI确实是不支持的,官方有回答的。 1块泰坦足够了.
SLI/Crossfire and X-Plane
Some applications benefit from SLI (the NVIDIA version of using dual video cards) and Crossfire (ATI’s version of the same), and some do not.
X-Plane, typically, does not benefit.
This is because performance boosts using these technologies depend on whether or not the computer is limited by the fill rate.
For X-Plane, at a resolution of 1024 x 768, the simulator’s speed is limited by the geometry going across the bus, not the fill rate. So, in that case, SLI and Crossfire are useless-—one card can fill 1024 x 768 at 60 fps.
Furthermore, in SLI, the two cards must communicate with one another, sending textures back and forth between them. This can be slower than one card doing all the work! This is because sending these textures from one card to another can be slower than doing a whole frame, if the whole frame can be done on one card.
So, where the computer is not limited by the graphics card’s fill rate, SLI can actually slow the simulator down, not speed it up.
There are performance testing programs (benchmarks) that can test SLI/Crossfire setups and show a higher performance with them enabled. This is because the test program does not have to draw the world from the sky when it tests (as X-Plane does), so when it tests fill rate, it does nothing else. Thus, you see only fill rate performance. This has nothing to do with X-Plane because X-Plane is typically not fill rate-limited. As well, the test program might not copy textures back and forth between the cards. Again, the performance you see in the program has nothing to do with X-Plane, which must copy cloud shadows, reflections, and the like around between video cards.
So, the bottom line is that these technologies can make the simulator slower, not faster, in many cases!
侧风zuosi 发表于 2016-2-20 15:20
CPU要求高!:lol:lol 我觉得你用单泰坦足以,然后换一个主频高一点的CPU,这样效果更好 侧风zuosi 发表于 2016-2-20 15:20
恩,主要是复杂地景外加767这种好飞机,还是会卡的。云多了以后也是很郁闷 lomel 发表于 2016-2-20 17:34
错。。。。对显卡要求也高。。。我用的服务级别CPU E3-1220 3.1GHZ, 32G内存,应该不错了吧?但是显卡去 ...
同意您的意见,我用的5820K,core@4.5GHz,Cache@4.0GHz,CPU不拖后腿了 lomel 发表于 2016-2-20 18:20
SLI确实是不支持的,官方有回答的。 1块泰坦足够了.
SLI/Crossfire and X-Plane
唔,谢谢您的帮助!我问了NV的资深人士。必须要和NVIDIA合作,买他们的一个插件以后才可以支持SLI功能 ferrarirui 发表于 2016-2-21 15:38
4.5GHz的5820K也不行呢 ferrarirui 发表于 2016-2-21 15:38
恩,我感觉硬件的发展永远也追不上软件呢 应该用不上SLI 目前好像还不支持,据说下一更新才支持,具体可以看官网论坛,我记得有回复 目前不支持。。。 到目前还不支持,据说下几版可能会。 很好很不错= =。。。。。。。。 谢谢分享谢谢分享谢谢分享