这是波音在研发最新型波音777-200ER型客机中,GE为其提供发动机原力运转(即扇叶无需转动即可提供动力)的珍贵技术,因GE担心此技术会被波音泄露进而会导致其他发动机生产商仿制,所以该技术被GE封锁,没想到今日还能再见到这种技术,真是十分感谢PMDG,PMDG真是做的太好了,感谢PMDG! 评论同油管:I think PMDG did a very good job, they ruined 777. The animation, sound, avionics they are all pieces of shit. Especially that PMDG officers told consumers that "I II close this topic as per rules discussions about our pricing policies are not allowed" WHAT? WTF?!!!!! We use 77 dollars to buy your bullshit expansion with a PBR and EFB upgrade, you say that we cannot discuss about price and quality ratio? Let mesay something PMDG, your product is suck enough to destroy your whole market in flight sim community. Come out, and say something. Your 777-200ER expansion is much worse than the Aerosoft A330 V1 with bad aerodynamics. 哟哟哟 这不是pmdg吗 一年没见做的飞机这么拉啦? 这就是售价135刀的777吗?太高级了!实名羡慕 这是卡到bug了还是pmdg真的拉了( 就这?卖77.72USD? 这波恐怕连fs9的小作坊还不如[辣眼睛] 牛逼了,77.72刀,泡面大哥越来越黑了 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈,心目中的第一已经是FSL了,P家最近怎么回事 草 这句话应该改成:这是珍贵的原力发动机视频 77刀?还不如留着去买其他东西