Tempest - 31600吨, 460米 原版组件 VTOL SSTO 【坎巴拉太空计划】【搬运】
https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Ym4y1p74J?aid=702180092https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AflVvf_Uqv4The rotors are fixed magnetically. Do not ask.There was no reason for it to be this big. But here it is, a living proof of concept: indeed, you are able to create a 31,6 kiloton SSTO out of stock parts in KSP
庆幸科技掌握在坎巴拉手里 好家伙,轨道上的残骸都变成行星环了是吧? 上一次见到这么多太空垃圾还是机器人总动员 之前已经有人搬过了[笑哭][笑哭][笑哭] 哇!RTX7090显卡!6风扇炫酷光效飞机模型款的! 够抽象[笑哭] wtf 6 [微笑] 什么游戏