PMDG - 波音777-300ER官方宣传片(6月25日开售) | 微软飞行模拟 25JUN24, PMDG will release our long-awaited PMDG 777-300ER. This trailer was created for us by our friend Aviator Cro to celebrate the coming release. Set up to showcase the global stature of this magnificent airliner, Aviator Cro has truly captured
现在被Fenix320圈粉了,原来空客这么好飞,而且现在的PMDG做的也是一言难尽,我一个波音党活活转成了空客党 准备连夜抬走CS777() @mf8371 快点更新77W的教程吧 来了卧槽!!!!!! 第一[脱单doge] @mf8371 来活了 滚吧垃圾CS