X-Plane 11 X-Life vs WorldTraffic
I am trying to decide between these 2. Does anyone know which one is better and why? I have tried the demo of WT before but it seems like a lot of work is involved in order to get it to work. I want something more automated and works directly out of the box without too much fuss.X-Life运行需要调集大量的模型,可能是优化的不好,我这里开了要等大半天才有反应,尽量别用那些花里胡哨的东西吧 这什么啊啊:lol:lol:lol You can sing this song: you can always go around!!! 这是啥意思呢?这个软件好用吗? xlife好像跟真实,但是要装一个航班实时的插件接口,好麻烦的 看不懂英文啊