FS2Crew: PMDG 777 (Voice and Button Control -P3D 64 Bit)
FS2CREW PMDG777語音按鍵控制P3DV4 64bit已出版,詳請可至FS2CREW官網查詢!!Yes, this is great news!
Attention PMDG 777 Drivers,
FS2Crew for the PMDG 777 (P3D V4 64 Bit Edition) has been released!
Please visit www.fs2crew.com to download it.
1. Like with the FSX version, there are two versions:A Captain's Set and a regular version.
The only difference between the two is the Captain's Set includes an unlocked version of RAAS for P3D V4.Other than that, they are identical.
2. As a FREE bonus, the 777 Global Voice Set (a 20 Euro value) comes with both versions!It's built right into the product.There's no separate installer. 这是一个很好的消息!谢谢 :lol:lol哦啊 知道了啊 哇~就差GSX了~ 谢谢消息分享了! 但是win10现在好像没有那个语音控制了 This is a good news! Thank you
支援 P3D V4的插件陸續到位了, 真是好消息