PRODUCT: PMDG 737-8900 NGX Base Package PMDG 737-6700 NGX Expansion PackagePrepar3D v4
Version: v1.20.8413
Note: Change lists below comprise items tracked within our internal bug monitoring system and do not reflect
new items added to the software or items that were discovered during testing but not logged into the
item tracking system.
Update v1.20.8413
- VARIOUS: Compatibility changes for 737-600/700 models
- VARIOUS: Efficiencies and stability improvements.
- VARIOUS: Installer corrections to improve product stability.
- VARIOUS: Additional Protections for forced exit CTD.
- VARIOUS: Added CA PFD Pop-Up CTD Opt-In protection.
Lockheed Martin Prepar3D v4
"Queen of the Skies II"
Prepar3D v4
Version: v3.00.8415
Note: Change lists below comprise items tracked within our internal bug monitoring system and do not reflect
new items added to the software or items that were discovered during testing but not logged into the
item tracking system.
PMDG 747-400 Queen of the Skies II - Build 3.00.8415 (Released 27JUL17) [ View Issues ]
- 0000000: - Added CA PFD Pop-Up CTD Opt-In protection.
- 0000000: - Improved protections against force exit CTD.
- 0000000: - Installation stability improvements.
PRODUCT: PMDG 777-200LR/F PMDG 777-300ER
Version: 1.10.8414
Note: Change lists below comprise items tracked within our internal bug monitoring system and do not reflect
new items added to the software or items that were discovered during testing but not logged into the
item tracking system.
BUILD 1.10.8414 (Released 27JUL17)
- 0000000: - Added CA PFD Pop-Up CTD Opt-In protection.
- 0000000: - Improved protections against force exit CTD.
- 0000000: - Installation stability improvements.
PRODUCT: PMDG 777-200LR/F PMDG 777-300ER
Version: 1.10.8414
Note: Change lists below comprise items tracked within our internal bug monitoring system and do not reflect
new items added to the software or items that were discovered during testing but not logged into the
item tracking system.
BUILD 1.10.8414 (Released 27JUL17)
- 0000000: - Added CA PFD Pop-Up CTD Opt-In protection.
- 0000000: - Improved protections against force exit CTD.
- 0000000: - Installation stability improvements.
要好好研究一下!!! 支持支持支持支持 这么说,很快要发出来了:lol 喜闻乐见~!最主要的更新就是反盗版机制~~ csh007 发表于 2017-7-28 19:09
呵呵,同意007的观点 支持,:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D :Q:Q盗版只能选择等待 为啥新版本的737NGX安装后进入等一会儿起落架就下沉,发动机冒火就坠毁了!!!737NGX全系列都是正版的!777与747V3是和谐的,莫非要连累了。上一版本的737-800,900没这样的怪事。P3Dv4的600,700是刚下载安装的! 737家族齐全了。 路过...................... 是啊,600,700也是和800,900一个版本的了,都可以在P3Dv4里面安装!!!! 又是一波更新呀。。。。 刚才将和谐的747,777卸载了,结果737就正常了!PMDG新的反盗版技术吧,运行正版的机型时,如果同平台有其他和谐的机型,油量突然增加到500%以上,整个起落架被压塌,发动机起火!而和谐的很正常!!!!看来对PMDG的机型,要不全都明媒正娶,要不就都是小三,否则要打架的,正娶的闹得主人鸡犬不宁!要耍小三,得休正房啊!!! 7月27日更新?已经更新过了是吗? 更新,更新,再更新。FS的宿命。 是个就得更新再更新 8314版本,最新的! 支持支持支持支持 謝謝大大提供消息