[0.23]LongMarch3B 长征3B运载火箭MOD
本帖最后由 幽灵-西蒙 于 2014-2-24 23:12 编辑OverviewThe Chinese Long March CZ-3 expendable launch systems are availible now! The Long March is China’s primary expendable launch system family. The Shenzhou spacecraft and Chang’e lunar orbiters are also launched on the Long March rocket. The maximum payload for LEO is 12,000 kg (CZ-3B), the maximum payload for GTO is 5,500 kg (CZ-3B/E).
These Rockets are for launching light payloads to LKO(Low Kerbin Orbit)
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中国的火箭...ding 是发生的纠纷爸爸vijadabsafs 就要玩中国火箭! It look is good
catch it
谢谢分享楼主辛苦 好东西,谢谢楼主!!!!!!!!!!!!!
好东西 支持国产货! 啊四点半加啊十多年撒就不的你就啊三那 支持支持支持支持支持支持 顶顶顶顶顶顶顶顶 :)是中文的吗 裝模組就是爽 謝謝大大 大大大大爱爱爱爱 打算打算大飒飒大师大师的 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊 :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:( 试试126546546464645 中国的火箭... 顶起啊:):(:funk: