求大佬解答 4.1暂时不支持PTA 好像不支持吧!!! 287887641 发表于 2017-10-13 11:02
PTA不是官网已经说了马上要更新支持4.1版本的啊 p3dv4.1不支持PTA....... 貌似是删PTA的目录和那几个运行后生成的备份文件 没有任何问题,在和谐下reset下就行了。
It has been confirmed by Matt that he intends on releasing PTA for P3Dv4.1 at some point during the morning of Friday 13th October.
rubin 发表于 2017-10-13 13:02
It has been confirmed by Matt that he ...
reset?是什么额? Update 12th October @ 22:30z
It has been confirmed by Matt that he intends on releasing PTA for P3Dv4.1 at some point during the morning of Friday 13th October. He has other things in life to take care of so it may slip further into the day. The features also stated below will be rolled back for those still using P3D v4.0 (but we highly recommend you update to the latest).