Laminar Research FlightSimExpo 2018Summary of key things from Laminar Research's presentation at FlightSimExpo 2018:
645 new airports
Las Vegas scenery updated
Chicago scenery
Even more autogen stuff
New York and Washington D.C sceneries
Airfoil maker can calculate the coefficient of drag for you
Brand new prop wash model
New downwash efXXXts, in particular when close to the ground
New fuselage calculations that make fuselage lift and drag more realistic
Research mode: opt-in to to get all the latest physics, but leave off for compatibility with existing aircraft not yet updated
New systems and upgrades: oxygen, anti-ice and de-ice, propellers and governors and autopilots
NEW PARTICLE SYSTEM ALAS!!! And it looks amazing:
Particle emitters can be attached to objects
Video showing condensation in the engine inlets, ground spray and amazing new heat efXXXts!
Can customise efXXXts whilst X-Plane is running
Engine fire particle demonstration (!), with proof it can light up the surrounding area
Vulkan: 10 main API points on a checklist, about halfway through
Airfoil maker can now run in Vulkan... OpenGL uses over 18,000 driver calls, but Vulkan uses just 5,700 -> Proof it works
Vulkan will not: fix rendering artifacts, run at 500 fps, improve multi-core use (but enables it for X-Plane). It's about getting room to grow
Statistics show Vulkan is giving the team approximately double the frame rate from 11.00, 11.10, 11.20 and 11.30, with the bars slowly creeping upwards in each version
2D OpenGL addons should work in Vulkan
3D addons that use the latest APIs will work in Vulkan; else they won't
Addons that draw in 3D (xEnviro, SkyMaxx Pro etc.) either run in OpenGL or Vulkan. Cannot cross the two engines together (obviously)
OpenGL, like 32-bit X-Plane, will be supported for the remainder of X-Plane 11
11.25: Available NOW (Steam coming soon)
11.30: Late summer/early autumn
Vulkan: Maybe this year, but if not, next year (they just don't know)
提升FPS是最为关心的,拭目以待。 期待新版本 。 saxy_60 发表于 2018-6-12 08:22
提升FPS是最为关心的,拭目以待。 ...
我都已经打开参与beta测试了,就等上线~ saxy_60 发表于 2018-6-12 08:22
提升FPS是最为关心的,拭目以待。 ...
老哥什么配置,Jar按理说帧数应该不错。FPS应该不会大提升,模拟飞行都挺吃配置,p3dv4我都不敢开地上车辆和机场飞机交通 升级硬件才是硬道理 ccbryant 发表于 2018-6-12 08:33
老哥什么配置,Jar按理说帧数应该不错。FPS应该不会大提升,模拟飞行都挺吃配置,p3dv4我都不敢开地上车 ...
我的配置是dell的一体机(i7 2.6GHz,12GRAM,FG940M, 4G gpu)比本本强不到哪去,虽说是触摸屏的,底板散热是个大问题。最不爽的是想升级显卡没门,dell把独立显卡焊在主板上了(买的时候以为是插槽的),为了节省空间。也可能是和谐版吧,运行JARA320和330都是报fps过低。模拟飞行的确吃配置,不论是p3d还是xp。当时买个台式机箱就好了,为了美观丢了升级的可能。 都升级到30了吗,我们的还是11.20呢,感谢通报 XP的開發商願意投入研發, 對飛友真是好消息 传说中的Vulkan要来了? 好消息,期待更好的优化和更好的机模!!! 又不知道升级了那些内容。 现在只是希望不会跳票~~ 现在我们实际升级的是到11.25可能按照这个说明要等到过两个月就可以到11.30了,耐心等待吧 Vulkan是什么,有效果图吗