Networked Multiplayer:
Multiplayer allows you to fly with up to 19 other people. You can race, fly in formation, dogfight and more in this mode. To use X‑Plane 11’s built-in networked multiplayer, you will first need all the computers on the same network, each running their own copy of the most recent X‑Plane update.
Set up multiplayer by going to the Settings window, then the Network tab. Leave the machine’s role set to “Master” and expand the “Multiplayer” section in the list on the right. Click the blue Add Multiplayer Machine button, then either find the other machine’s name in the drop down box, or manually enter its IP address. Changing the port number should not be necessary. Increasing the rate of the Transmissions per second slider can be useful if you notice lagging or stuttering in the other players’ planes.
When you return to your flight you will see the other aircraft and will be able to chat with the other players by using the enter key.
:lol不如去DCS飞编队 来看飞行表演,来看编队飞行。 无法跨局域网联飞。。。。硬伤。 之前用FSX联飞过,由于FSX刷新延迟慢,导致联飞时飞机的位置飘忽不定。。 zhangzzy121 发表于 2018-10-12 10:42
其实,看来任何系统虽然都说是能编队飞行,但其实用的价值有限。真正有意思的还是联网飞行,它可算是编队飞行的另一种形式。尤其是商业航机在真实世界是没有谁来编队飞行的,但通过联网飞行或者所谓‘虚拟航空’,这些商业航机在虚拟环境中就像真的飞航班一样了。 现实世界里的编队飞行要么是飞行表演,要么是战斗编队巡航,就算是空战,真的开打的时候,也没编队可言了。
就模拟飞行而言,也就是可能有三五好友凑在一起,找个高配置网吧玩玩而已了。 编队飞行的风险很高。。正如楼上说的,民航机一般都用于飞行秀。。编队飞行对于飞行路线,僚机的指挥能力,还有很大的一个挑战就是如何避免前机的涡流效应 很棒,链接收藏了 自己一个人编队可以特殊开始formation flying 自己一个人编队可以特殊开始formation flying