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Prosim A320 Ready p3d V4

发表于 2017-7-19 09:17:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
June 23 2017 Release version 1.04
Quickfix for versionmanager not seeing non beta releases as latest release.

– Added support for skalarki clock
– Added skalarki EFIS QNH indicator
– Fixed RDME showing true heading instead of magnetic

June 20 2017 Release version 1.03

– Enabled sidestick augmentation option
Note on tuning sidesticks:
In the default configuration of 0 augmentation, the sidesticks in ProSimA320-system are tuned to have proper flightcharacteristics based
on the deflection of the sidestick. The real A320 sidesticks however are very stiff. If a simulator has too little force in the sidestick,
proper force input on this stick will lead to an exaggerated motion on the sidestick, giving the illusion that the aircraft is over-sensitive.
This problem may be overcome by setting a negative sidestick augementation, causing the sidesticks to report a lower input signal. Using
augmentation however is not ideal and can only be used to reduce the efXXXt of exaggerated sidestick output. Properly loaded sidesticks should use
an augmentation value of 0.

Flight guidance:
– Selected speed during approach can go below F/S/GD speed
– SRS should command v2+15 max during single engine
– Increased flare response during autoland
– Improved engine out SRS logic and managed speed targets
– VS/FPA available when FCU alt is current alt
– Lateral path improvements for approaches
– Improved pitch stability in turns
– Fixed normal law does not maintain altitude between 30 and 33 degrees bank
– Fixed VD leg types not handled correctly
– Added FMS bypass logic for intercept legs to prevent flyover of intercept point
– Fixed route markers appearing outside of route in ND
– Added speed limit indications on ND track
– Improved rollout autopilot
– Fixed issue where MCDU NEXT WPT does not enter waypoint correctly
– Improvements in vertical profile calculation and stability during turns
– Fixed Manual termination legs not rendering correctly and causing incorrect fuel calculations
– Fixed issue where ILS’s would not function correctly on runways that have different runway identifiers in airac database as in in BGL scenery database
– Fixed managed climb does not initiate climb when cruise altitude changed through FCU
– Improved later track intercept
– Added workaround for incorrectly coded arc legs in navigation database
– Only allow G/S capture when LOC is fully established
– Tuning of localiser capture
– Tuning of vertical speed vs acceleration during climb
– Protection against high cabin v/s after reposition
– Fixed issues with selected alt mode not engaging during managed cruise
– Fixed managed CLB not engaging after takeoff
– SRS should remain active on engine failure
– SRS reverts to open climb when speed is selected
– Fixed speed calculation for holdings
– Fixed ALT* annunciated as ALT CST* at cruise alt
– Fixed spoiler not working while in flight
– Pitch stability enhancement in manual flight

– Fixed CDU FPLN pages scroll back to top when modifying data
– Improvements and additions to the SEC system
– Fixed ZFW entries accepting invalid values
– Added approach VIAs
– Added “Check take off data” message
– Fixed FPLN VNAV data not available after T/C when no T/D present
– Fixed issue with sequencing waypoints when a leg was skipped
– Fixed crash on entering a waypoint to an empty flightplan
– MCDU will now clear scratchpad when CLR held down
– Fixed ordering of approaches based on approach types
– Fixed manually inserted missed approach legs not recognized as missed approach
– Fixed destination disappears when no star or approach selected at destination and star is inserted
– RNAV approaches are now recognized as non precision

prepar3d v4:
– Added simconnect simulator connection option for prepar3dv4. Setting ‘simulator’ to ‘simconnect’ in ProSimA320-system will remove the dependency on FSUIPC.
发表于 2017-7-27 21:41:51 | 显示全部楼层
支持绑定!!!!!!! 好
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