- 63947
- 注册时间
- 2018-11-28
- 在线时间
- 小时
- 最后登录
- 1970-1-1
- 精华
- 阅读权限
- 50
- 听众
- 收听
在每次运行x-plane11时都会出现崩溃问题,是在滑行或起飞时。没有显示已停止工作,就直接退出了,系统还会显示“显示驱动系统已停止工作 并已经恢复”退出前内存占用和CPU一直很高。
导出时间:2019-5-7 20:11:1
电脑型号 Default string Default string
操作系统 Microsoft Windows 10 专业版 (64位)
CPU (英特尔)Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-6100 CPU @ 3.70GHz(3696 MHz)
主板 七彩虹 C.H110M-T PRO
内存 8.00 GB ( 2133 MHz)
主硬盘 240 GB ( AA0000000000000015 已使用时间: 161小时)
显卡 Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 (1024 MB)
显示器 冠捷 2251w 32位真彩色 60Hz
声卡 Realtek 662 High Definition Audio
网卡 Realtek PCIe FE Family Controller
CPU厂商 GenuineIntel
CPU (英特尔)Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-6100 CPU @ 3.70GHz
CPU核心数 4
CPU默认频率 3696 MHz
CPU外频 100 MHz
CPU当前频率 3696 MHz
二级缓存 512 KB
三级缓存 3072 KB
CPU电压 1.100 V
数据宽度 64bit
扩展版本 Ext.Family 0 Ext.Model 5
制造商 七彩虹
主板型号 C.H110M-T PRO
制造日期 2016/09/07
主板序列号 Default string
BIOS厂商 American Megatrends Inc.
BIOS版本 ALASKA - 1072009 BIOS Date: 08/23/16 11:50:48 Ver: 05.0000B
BIOS大小 0 Bytes
芯片组 英特尔
电脑厂商 Default string
电脑型号 Default string
系统安装日期 2019/04/12
最近启动时间 2019/05/04
内存名称 2133 MHz
内存大小 8 GB
内存频率 2133 MHz
插槽 ChannelB-DIMM0
数据宽度 64bit
显卡名称 Intel(R) HD Graphics 530
显卡厂商 英特尔
显存大小 1024 MB
内核名称 Intel(R) HD Graphics Family
显示器厂商 冠捷
显示器名称 2251w
显示器代号 AOC2251
屏幕尺寸 21.7 英寸 (48厘米X27厘米)
屏幕比例 16:9
当前分辨率 1920 * 1080 (32位真彩色@60Hz)
最大分辨率 1920 * 1080
制造时间 2012/2
硬盘名称 Colorful SL500 240GB
硬盘大小 240 GB
硬盘已使用时间 161小时 (S.M.A.R.T.)
硬盘序列号 Colorful SL500 240GB (BIOS 版本: O1225L)
硬盘厂商 西数
硬盘名称 西数 (WDC WD5000AAKX-001CA0)
硬盘大小 500 GB
硬盘转速 7200 转/分钟
接口类型 SATA 6Gb/s
硬盘传输速度 600 MB/S
硬盘缓存 16 MB
硬盘已使用时间 12454小时 (S.M.A.R.T.)
硬盘序列号 WD-WMAYUS3131 (BIOS 版本: 15.01H)
硬盘厂商 希捷
硬盘名称 希捷 (ST3320418AS)
硬盘大小 320 GB
硬盘转速 7200 转/分钟
接口类型 SATA 3Gb/s
硬盘传输速度 300 MB/S
硬盘缓存 16 MB
硬盘已使用时间 4468小时 (S.M.A.R.T.)
硬盘序列号 5VMGRH (BIOS 版本: CC44)
声卡名称 Realtek 662 High Definition Audio
声卡厂商 瑞昱
声卡名称 英特尔(R) 显示器音频
声卡厂商 英特尔
网卡名称 Realtek PCIe FE Family Controller
网卡厂商 瑞昱
Mac地址 00:E0:70:52:5B:37
网卡名称 802.11n USB Wireless LAN Card
网卡厂商 Plant Equipment Inc.
Mac地址 00:87:36:32:F0 E
名称 增强型(101 或 102 键)
类型 USB Input Device
名称 USB Composite Device
制造商 雷凌
名称 802.11n USB Wireless LAN Card
X-Plane started on Tue May 7 19:48:53 2019
This log file is generated automatically by Laminar Research applications and contains diagnostics about your graphics hardware, installation, and any error conditions.
If you need to contact tech support or file a bug, please send us this file. NOTE: this file is rewritten every time you start ANY of your X-System applications.
Windows 10.0 (build 10586/2)
This is a 64-bit version of Windows.
CPU type: 8664
Physical Memory (total for computer): 8005111808
Maximum Virtual Memory (for X-Plane only): 140737488224256
CPU 0: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-6100 CPU @ 3.70GHz Speed (mhz): 3696
CPU 0: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-6100 CPU @ 3.70GHz Speed (mhz): 3696
CPU 0: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-6100 CPU @ 3.70GHz Speed (mhz): 3696
CPU 0: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-6100 CPU @ 3.70GHz Speed (mhz): 3696
X-System folder:'N:\Game/x-plane11/X-Plane 11/', case sensitive=0
WGL_EXT_depth_float WGL_ARB_buffer_region WGL_ARB_extensions_string WGL_ARB_make_current_read WGL_ARB_pixel_format WGL_ARB_pbuffer WGL_EXT_extensions_string WGL_EXT_swap_control WGL_EXT_swap_control_tear WGL_ARB_multisample WGL_ARB_pixel_format_float WGL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB WGL_ARB_create_context WGL_ARB_create_context_profile WGL_EXT_pixel_format_packed_float WGL_EXT_create_context_es_profile WGL_EXT_create_context_es2_profile WGL_NV_DX_interop WGL_INTEL_cl_sharing WGL_NV_DX_interop2 WGL_ARB_create_context_robustness
OpenGL Vendor : Intel
OpenGL Render : Intel(R) HD Graphics 530
OpenGL Version : 4.4.0 - Build (440/0)
OpenGL Extensions: GL_3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1 GL_AMD_depth_clamp_separate GL_AMD_vertex_shader_layer GL_AMD_vertex_shader_viewport_index GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility GL_ARB_ES3_compatibility GL_ARB_arrays_of_arrays GL_ARB_base_instance GL_ARB_blend_func_extended GL_ARB_buffer_storage GL_ARB_cl_event GL_ARB_clear_buffer_object GL_ARB_clear_texture GL_ARB_clip_control GL_ARB_color_buffer_float GL_ARB_compatibility GL_ARB_compressed_texture_pixel_storage GL_ARB_compute_shader GL_ARB_conservative_depth GL_ARB_copy_buffer GL_ARB_copy_image GL_ARB_debug_output GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float GL_ARB_depth_clamp GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_derivative_control GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_draw_buffers_blend GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_ARB_draw_indirect GL_ARB_draw_instanced GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location GL_ARB_explicit_uniform_location GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions GL_ARB_fragment_layer_viewport GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_fragment_shader_interlock GL_ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments GL_ARB_framebuffer_object GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB GL_ARB_geometry_shader4 GL_ARB_get_program_binary GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 GL_ARB_gpu_shader_fp64 GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_half_float_vertex GL_ARB_indirect_parameters GL_ARB_instanced_arrays GL_ARB_internalformat_query GL_ARB_internalformat_query2 GL_ARB_invalidate_subdata GL_ARB_map_buffer_alignment GL_ARB_map_buffer_range GL_ARB_multi_bind GL_ARB_multi_draw_indirect GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_occlusion_query2 GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_post_depth_coverage GL_ARB_program_interface_query GL_ARB_provoking_vertex GL_ARB_query_buffer_object GL_ARB_robust_buffer_access_behavior GL_ARB_robustness GL_ARB_robustness_isolation GL_ARB_sample_shading GL_ARB_sampler_objects GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map GL_ARB_seamless_cubemap_per_texture GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_atomic_counters GL_ARB_shader_bit_encoding GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store GL_ARB_shader_image_size GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_precision GL_ARB_shader_stencil_export GL_ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object GL_ARB_shader_subroutine GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_shading_language_420pack GL_ARB_shading_language_packing GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_stencil_texturing GL_ARB_sync GL_ARB_tessellation_shader GL_ARB_texture_barrier GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object_rgb32 GL_ARB_texture_buffer_range GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_compression_bptc GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_cube_map_array GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_texture_gather GL_ARB_texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_texture_multisample GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_texture_query_levels GL_ARB_texture_query_lod GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_texture_rg GL_ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui GL_ARB_texture_stencil8 GL_ARB_texture_storage GL_ARB_texture_storage_multisample GL_ARB_texture_swizzle GL_ARB_texture_view GL_ARB_timer_query GL_ARB_transform_feedback2 GL_ARB_transform_feedback3 GL_ARB_transform_feedback_instanced GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra GL_ARB_vertex_array_object GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_binding GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ARB_vertex_type_10f_11f_11f_rev GL_ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev GL_ARB_viewport_array GL_ARB_window_pos GL_ATI_separate_stencil GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_direct_state_access GL_EXT_draw_buffers2 GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_geometry_shader4 GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_packed_float GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_polygon_offset_clamp GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch GL_EXT_shader_integer_mix GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_array GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_integer GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent GL_EXT_texture_snorm GL_EXT_texture_storage GL_EXT_texture_swizzle GL_EXT_timer_query GL_EXT_transform_feedback GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_INTEL_conservative_rasterization GL_INTEL_fragment_shader_ordering GL_INTEL_framebuffer_CMAA GL_INTEL_map_texture GL_INTEL_multi_rate_fragment_shader GL_INTEL_performance_query GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced_coherent GL_KHR_debug GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_hdr GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_conditional_render GL_NV_primitive_restart GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_SUN_multi_draw_arrays GL_WIN_swap_hint
threaded_avail : 1 aniso_avail : 1 timer_avail : 1 sync/fence : 1
pbo_avail : 1 frameblit_avail : 1 framebuffer_msaa : 1
gpu_shad4_avail : 1 shad_lod_avail : 0 array_tex_avail : 1 texture_rg : 1
tex_float_avail : 1 seamless_avail : 1 drawbuf2_avail : 1 packed_stencil : 1
framebuffer_srgb : 1 copy_buf_avail : 1 ubo_avail : 1 gshader_avail : 1
base_vert_avail : 1 tex_multi_avail : 1 depth_float_avail: 1
instance_avail : 1 tess_avail : 1 viewport_arr : 1 tex_storage : 1
buf_storage : 1 multi_bind : 1 clip_control : 1 program binary : 1
debug_avail : 1
max tex units : 32 (32/8)
max iso filtering: 16.000000
max samples : 16
max texture size : 16384 (hardware limit)
max point size : 20.000000
idx in vram : 1
GLSL Version :4.40 - Build
This video card is: DX11+ VR Ready (found glMapBufferRange)
CPU count : 4
OpenAL loaded: Resources/dlls/64/openal32.dll
OpenAL devices: OpenAL Soft
Open AL default device:OpenAL Soft
OpenAL vendor : OpenAL Community
OpenAL renderer : OpenAL Soft
OpenAL version : 1.1
OpenAL hardware : OpenAL Soft
OpenAL extensions: ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT ALC_EXT_CAPTURE ALC_EXT_DEDICATED ALC_EXT_disconnect ALC_EXT_EFX ALC_EXT_thread_local_context ALC_SOFTX_device_clock ALC_SOFTX_HRTF ALC_SOFT_loopback ALC_SOFTX_midi_interface ALC_SOFT_pause_device AL_EXT_ALAW AL_EXT_DOUBLE AL_EXT_EXPONENT_DISTANCE AL_EXT_FLOAT32 AL_EXT_IMA4 AL_EXT_LINEAR_DISTANCE AL_EXT_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_MULAW AL_EXT_MULAW_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_OFFSET AL_EXT_source_distance_model AL_LOKI_quadriphonic AL_SOFT_block_alignment AL_SOFT_buffer_samples AL_SOFT_buffer_sub_data AL_SOFT_deferred_updates AL_SOFT_direct_channels AL_SOFT_loop_points AL_SOFT_MSADPCM AL_SOFT_source_latency AL_SOFT_source_length
Fetching plugins for N:\Game/x-plane11/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins
Loaded: N:\Game/x-plane11/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/PluginAdmin/64/win.xpl (xpsdk.examples.pluginadmin).
I found the following scenery packages (prioritized in this order):
0 Custom Scenery/Untitled 1/
1 Custom Scenery/__MACOSX/
2 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - EDDF Frankfurt/
3 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - EGLL Heathrow/
4 Custom Scenery/Global Airports/
5 Custom Scenery/China_Base_Vector/
6 Custom Scenery/yOrtho4XP_Overlays/
7 Custom Scenery/FlyAgi_Vegetation/
8 Custom Scenery/FlyAgi_Vegetation_Global_Trees/
9 Custom Scenery/KSEA Demo Area/
10 Custom Scenery/LOWI Demo Area/
11 Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - Chicago/
12 Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - Dubai/
13 Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - Las Vegas/
14 Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - London/
15 Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - Sydney/
16 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+22+112/
17 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+22+113/
18 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+22+114/
19 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+23+112/
20 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+23+113/
21 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+23+114/
22 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+24+112/
23 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+24+113/
24 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+24+114/
25 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+18+108/
26 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+18+109/
27 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+18+110/
28 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+19+108/
29 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+19+109/
30 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+19+110/
31 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+20+109/
32 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+20+110/
33 Custom Scenery/world-models/
34 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - EDLP Paderborn-Lippstadt/
35 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - LFMN Nice Cote d Azur X/
36 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - LFPO Paris Orly/
37 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - LPFR Faro/
38 Custom Scenery/aericaps collection(1)/
39 Custom Scenery/Step 2 - Taxilines and markings/
40 Global Scenery/X-Plane 11 Demo Areas/
41 Global Scenery/X-Plane 11 Global Scenery/
42 Resources/default scenery/1000 autogen/
43 Resources/default scenery/1000 decals/
44 Resources/default scenery/1000 forests/
45 Resources/default scenery/1000 roads/
46 Resources/default scenery/1000 urban terrain/
47 Resources/default scenery/1000 world terrain/
48 Resources/default scenery/700 roads/
49 Resources/default scenery/900 beaches/
50 Resources/default scenery/900 europe objects/
51 Resources/default scenery/900 forests/
52 Resources/default scenery/900 roads/
53 Resources/default scenery/900 us objects/
54 Resources/default scenery/900 world object placeholders/
55 Resources/default scenery/airport decals/
56 Resources/default scenery/airport scenery/
57 Resources/default scenery/default apt dat/
58 Resources/default scenery/default atc dat/
59 Resources/default scenery/sim objects/
60 Resources/tutorials/tutorials_Alaska/
61 Resources/tutorials/tutorials_Hawaii/
62 Resources/tutorials/tutorials_Seattle/
Initializing off screen memory.
Initializing off screen memory complete.
0:00:00.000 D/HID: HID Bridge Running
0:00:22.714 I/REN: Setting texture resolution read from prefs as 4
0:00:22.714 I/REN: Setting |draw view indicator read from prefs as 1.
0:00:22.714 I/REN: Setting |dim under high G-load or hypoxia read from prefs as 1.
0:00:22.714 I/REN: Setting |draw hi-res planet textures from orbit read from prefs as 1.
0:00:22.714 I/REN: Setting |draw forest fires and balloons read from prefs as 0.
0:00:22.714 I/REN: Setting |draw birds and deer in nice weather read from prefs as 1.
0:00:22.714 I/REN: Setting |draw aircraft carriers and frigates read from prefs as 1.
0:00:22.714 I/REN: Setting |draw Aurora Borealis read from prefs as 0.
0:00:22.714 I/REN: Setting |runways follow terrain contours read from prefs as 1.
0:00:22.714 I/REN: Setting |3-d drawing detail read from prefs as 2.
0:00:22.714 I/REN: Setting |water reflection detail read from prefs as 0.
0:00:22.714 I/REN: Setting |draw parked aircraft at airports read from prefs as 0.
0:00:22.714 I/REN: Setting compress textures to save VRAM read from prefs as 1.
0:00:22.714 I/REN: Setting |EfXXXts read from prefs as 3.
0:00:22.714 I/REN: Setting |3-d shadows read from prefs as 0.
0:00:22.714 I/REN: Setting |HDR anti-aliasing read from prefs as 1.
0:00:22.714 I/REN: Setting |draw volumetric fog read from prefs as 1.
0:00:22.714 I/REN: Setting |draw per pixel lighting read from prefs as 1.
0:00:22.714 I/REN: Setting |atmospheric scattering read from prefs as 1.
0:00:26.072 I/NET: OS has RFC 4941 Privacy Extensions for IPv6 *enabled*, using TEMPORARY IPv6 addresses
0:00:26.072 I/NET: WLAN (802.11n USB Wireless LAN Card)
0:00:26.072 I/NET: WLAN (802.11n USB Wireless LAN Card) 240e:f8:8002:80a6:bcc4:7da1:e36c:48eb
0:00:26.610 D/STM: Transitioning from state state_InitialLoading to state_QuickFlightWizard
0:00:26.610 I/WIN: Showing subscreen Main Menu
0:00:26.610 I/OVR: User is entering the holodeck.
0:00:26.610 I/WIN: Opened window Primary V11 UI
0:01:03.184 I/WIN: Showing subscreen Freeflight
0:01:18.058 I/FCG: Applying changes from Flight Configuration screen
0:01:18.058 I/FCG: Starting new flight in Aircraft/Laminar Research/Cessna 172SP/Cessna_172SP_G1000.acf at Runway 20R
0:01:18.126 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at KCEA and KIAB!
0:01:18.126 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at WSAC and WSSS!
0:01:18.126 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at RJCJ and RJCC!
0:01:18.126 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at WASS and WA1A!
0:01:18.126 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at KNSE and KNDZ!
0:01:18.126 W/ATC: Rewrote KAHN atc_ControllerRole_Del's freq: 133950 to 118000 for being in conflict!
0:01:18.126 W/ATC: Rewrote KCEA atc_ControllerRole_Twr's freq: 127250 to 118025 for being in conflict!
0:01:18.126 W/ATC: Rewrote WSAC atc_ControllerRole_Twr's freq: 118250 to 118000 for being in conflict!
0:01:18.126 W/ATC: Rewrote RJCJ atc_ControllerRole_Del's freq: 121900 to 118000 for being in conflict!
0:01:18.126 W/ATC: Rewrote WASS atc_ControllerRole_Twr's freq: 122400 to 118000 for being in conflict!
0:01:18.126 W/ATC: Rewrote KNSE atc_ControllerRole_Twr's freq: 121400 to 118000 for being in conflict!
0:01:22.080 D/STM: Transitioning from state state_QuickFlightWizard to state_NormalLoading
0:01:22.080 I/ACF: Loading airplane number 0 with Aircraft/Laminar Research/Cessna 172SP/Cessna_172SP_G1000.acf
Fetching plugins for N:\Game/x-plane11/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Laminar Research/Cessna 172SP/plugins
Loaded: N:\Game/x-plane11/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Laminar Research/Cessna 172SP/plugins/xlua/64/win.xpl (com.x-plane.xlua.1.0.0r1).
0:01:24.971 I/SND: This aircraft is using FMOD in PARTIAL mode.
0:01:24.971 I/FLT: Init dat_p0 type:loc_tak apt:ZGGG rwy:20R
0:01:31.070 I/SCN: DSF load time: 13433164 for file Custom Scenery/China_Base_Vector/Earth nav data/+20+110/+24+111.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:01:31.070 I/SCN: DSF load time: 13443166 for file Custom Scenery/China_Base_Vector/Earth nav data/+20+110/+22+111.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:01:31.070 I/SCN: DSF load time: 13475620 for file Custom Scenery/China_Base_Vector/Earth nav data/+20+110/+24+113.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:01:31.070 I/SCN: DSF load time: 18068613 for file Custom Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+20+110/+22+113.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:01:31.070 E/SCN: Failed to find resource 'lib/industry_commerce/greenhouse_30x50.obj', referenced from scenery package 'Custom Scenery/China_Base_Vector/'.
0:01:31.070 E/SCN: Custom Scenery/China_Base_Vector/Earth nav data/+20+110/+22+113.dsf:
0:01:31.070 E/SCN: Unable to locate object: lib/industry_commerce/greenhouse_30x50.obj
0:01:31.070 I/SCN: DSF load time: 15153143 for file Global Scenery/X-Plane 11 Global Scenery/Earth nav data/+20+110/+24+111.dsf (223524 tris, 1 skipped for -2.3 m^2)
0:01:31.070 I/SCN: DSF load time: 15316636 for file Global Scenery/X-Plane 11 Global Scenery/Earth nav data/+20+110/+22+111.dsf (205648 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:01:31.070 E/DSF: The DSF Custom Scenery/China_Base_Vector/Earth nav data/+20+110/+24+111.dsf has a number of problems with its road network: 8 doubled nodes, 0 direction reverses, 0 short segments, 1 roads deleted.
0:01:31.070 E/DSF: The DSF Custom Scenery/China_Base_Vector/Earth nav data/+20+110/+22+111.dsf has a number of problems with its road network: 3 doubled nodes, 3 direction reverses, 0 short segments, 4 roads deleted.
0:01:31.070 E/SYS: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0:01:31.070 E/SYS: | 加载地景包时出现问题:
0:01:31.070 E/SYS: | Custom Scenery/China_Base_Vector/
0:01:31.070 E/SYS: | 地景显示可能不正常。
0:01:31.070 E/SYS: | 请从Log.txt文件中查阅错误的详细信息。
0:01:31.070 E/SYS: | (io_dsf.cpp:668)
0:01:31.070 E/SYS: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PNG warning! iCCP: CRC error, Custom Scenery/FlyAgi_Vegetation_Global_Trees/Trees/Forests_01.png
0:01:31.070 I/SCN: DSF load time: 16932572 for file Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+24+113/Earth nav data/+20+110/+24+113.dsf (3286398 tris, 1 skipped for -0.9 m^2)
0:01:31.070 E/DSF: The DSF Custom Scenery/China_Base_Vector/Earth nav data/+20+110/+24+113.dsf has a number of problems with its road network: 7 doubled nodes, 0 direction reverses, 0 short segments, 3 roads deleted.
0:01:31.070 I/SCN: DSF load time: 466631 for file Custom Scenery/China_Base_Vector/Earth nav data/+20+110/+24+114.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:01:31.070 I/SCN: DSF load time: 1047403 for file Custom Scenery/China_Base_Vector/Earth nav data/+20+110/+23+111.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:01:31.070 I/SCN: DSF load time: 2651705 for file Global Scenery/X-Plane 11 Global Scenery/Earth nav data/+20+110/+23+111.dsf (222296 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:01:31.070 E/DSF: The DSF Custom Scenery/China_Base_Vector/Earth nav data/+20+110/+23+111.dsf has a number of problems with its road network: 2 doubled nodes, 1 direction reverses, 0 short segments, 1 roads deleted.
0:01:31.070 I/SCN: DSF load time: 718291 for file Custom Scenery/China_Base_Vector/Earth nav data/+20+110/+24+112.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:01:31.070 I/SCN: DSF load time: 10682303 for file Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+24+114/Earth nav data/+20+110/+24+114.dsf (3500818 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:01:31.070 E/DSF: The DSF Custom Scenery/China_Base_Vector/Earth nav data/+20+110/+24+114.dsf has a number of problems with its road network: 3 doubled nodes, 0 direction reverses, 0 short segments, 0 roads deleted.
0:01:31.070 I/SCN: DSF load time: 14117554 for file Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+24+112/Earth nav data/+20+110/+24+112.dsf (4052310 tris, 20 skipped for -25296.3 m^2)
0:01:31.070 E/DSF: The DSF Custom Scenery/China_Base_Vector/Earth nav data/+20+110/+24+112.dsf has a number of problems with its road network: 8 doubled nodes, 0 direction reverses, 0 short segments, 1 roads deleted.
0:01:31.070 I/SCN: DSF load time: 57108407 for file Custom Scenery/China_Base_Vector/Earth nav data/+20+110/+22+113.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:01:31.070 I/SCN: DSF load time: 12978584 for file Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+22+113/Earth nav data/+20+110/+22+113.dsf (1012465 tris, 5 skipped for -2.0 m^2)
0:01:31.070 E/DSF: The DSF Custom Scenery/China_Base_Vector/Earth nav data/+20+110/+22+113.dsf has a number of problems with its road network: 69 doubled nodes, 9 direction reverses, 0 short segments, 39 roads deleted.
0:01:31.070 I/SCN: DSF load time: 997059 for file Custom Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+20+110/+22+114.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:01:31.070 I/SCN: DSF load time: 3382538 for file Custom Scenery/China_Base_Vector/Earth nav data/+20+110/+22+112.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:01:31.070 I/SCN: DSF load time: 11223910 for file Custom Scenery/China_Base_Vector/Earth nav data/+20+110/+22+114.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:01:31.070 I/SCN: DSF load time: 8667170 for file Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+22+112/Earth nav data/+20+110/+22+112.dsf (2149543 tris, 18 skipped for -13669.4 m^2)
0:01:31.070 E/DSF: The DSF Custom Scenery/China_Base_Vector/Earth nav data/+20+110/+22+112.dsf has a number of problems with its road network: 8 doubled nodes, 3 direction reverses, 0 short segments, 6 roads deleted.
0:01:31.070 I/SCN: DSF load time: 184173 for file Custom Scenery/China_Base_Vector/Earth nav data/+20+110/+23+112.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:01:31.070 I/SCN: DSF load time: 3770235 for file Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+22+114/Earth nav data/+20+110/+22+114.dsf (1191700 tris, 27 skipped for -4.6 m^2)
0:01:31.070 E/DSF: The DSF Custom Scenery/China_Base_Vector/Earth nav data/+20+110/+22+114.dsf has a number of problems with its road network: 110 doubled nodes, 1 direction reverses, 0 short segments, 66 roads deleted.
0:01:31.070 I/SCN: DSF load time: 134487 for file Custom Scenery/China_Base_Vector/Earth nav data/+20+110/+23+114.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:01:31.070 I/SCN: DSF load time: 8100241 for file Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+23+112/Earth nav data/+20+110/+23+112.dsf (3027777 tris, 30 skipped for -37774.5 m^2)
0:01:31.070 E/DSF: The DSF Custom Scenery/China_Base_Vector/Earth nav data/+20+110/+23+112.dsf has a number of problems with its road network: 17 doubled nodes, 0 direction reverses, 0 short segments, 7 roads deleted.
0:01:31.070 I/SCN: DSF load time: 6632235 for file Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+23+114/Earth nav data/+20+110/+23+114.dsf (2513636 tris, 2 skipped for -0.0 m^2)
0:01:31.070 E/DSF: The DSF Custom Scenery/China_Base_Vector/Earth nav data/+20+110/+23+114.dsf has a number of problems with its road network: 9 doubled nodes, 0 direction reverses, 0 short segments, 0 roads deleted.
0:01:31.070 I/SCN: DSF load time: 1676792 for file Custom Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+20+110/+23+113.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:01:31.070 E/SCN: Failed to find resource 'lib/industry_commerce/greenhouse_30x50.obj', referenced from scenery package 'Custom Scenery/China_Base_Vector/'.
0:01:31.070 E/SCN: Custom Scenery/China_Base_Vector/Earth nav data/+20+110/+23+113.dsf:
0:01:31.070 E/SCN: Unable to locate object: lib/industry_commerce/greenhouse_30x50.obj
0:01:31.070 I/SCN: DSF load time: 1829727 for file Custom Scenery/China_Base_Vector/Earth nav data/+20+110/+23+113.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:01:31.070 I/SCN: DSF load time: 4799406 for file Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+23+113/Earth nav data/+20+110/+23+113.dsf (2038262 tris, 1 skipped for -0.1 m^2)
0:01:31.070 E/DSF: The DSF Custom Scenery/China_Base_Vector/Earth nav data/+20+110/+23+113.dsf has a number of problems with its road network: 132 doubled nodes, 1 direction reverses, 0 short segments, 50 roads deleted.
0:04:03.993 I/OVR: Reading VR conf file: Aircraft/Laminar Research/Cessna 172SP/Cessna_172SP_G1000_vrconfig.txt
0:04:03.993 D/STM: Transitioning from state state_NormalLoading to state_Normal
0:04:03.993 I/FCG: Loading AI aircraft Aircraft/Laminar Research/McDonnell Douglas MD-80/MD80.acf
0:04:03.993 I/ACF: Loading airplane number 1 with Aircraft/Laminar Research/McDonnell Douglas MD-80/MD80.acf
0:04:04.269 I/FLT: Init dat_p1 type:loc_general_area lat:22.976327 lon:114.018845 ele(ft):28642.841067 psi:293.486725 spd(kts):230.291465
0:04:04.269 I/FCG: Loading AI aircraft Aircraft/Laminar Research/Sikorsky S-76/S-76C.acf
0:04:04.269 I/ACF: Loading airplane number 2 with Aircraft/Laminar Research/Sikorsky S-76/S-76C.acf
0:04:07.733 I/FLT: Init dat_p2 type:loc_general_area lat:22.821537 lon:113.258367 ele(ft):18192.992662 psi:22.368847 spd(kts):61.487702
0:04:07.733 I/FCG: Loading AI aircraft Aircraft/Laminar Research/Boeing B737-800/b738.acf
0:04:07.733 I/ACF: Loading airplane number 3 with Aircraft/Laminar Research/Boeing B737-800/b738.acf
0:04:09.854 E/OBJ: Unknown emitter type 'wing_condens' for object 'Aircraft/Laminar Research/Boeing B737-800/objects/particles/particles.obj'.
0:04:09.854 E/OBJ: Unknown emitter type 'wing_condens' for object 'Aircraft/Laminar Research/Boeing B737-800/objects/particles/particles.obj'.
0:04:09.854 I/FLT: Init dat_p3 type:loc_general_area lat:22.571404 lon:113.231725 ele(ft):28562.979528 psi:40.167240 spd(kts):216.252605
0:04:09.854 D/FCG: MTBF set to 10000.0 hours
0:04:09.854 I/OVR: User is leaving the holodeck.
0:04:18.373 I/WIN: Opened window menu bar
0:04:18.373 I/WIN: Opened window Replay overlay
0:04:34.734 I/ATC: Aircraft p=1 () started at ZGGG:Cargo 515
0:04:34.734 I/FLT: Init dat_p1 type:loc_ram apt:ZGGG start at:Cargo 515
0:04:35.068 I/ATC: p=2 (N576XP) Popup FP filed to ZGGG at 5000 via , type=2
0:04:35.068 D/ATC: Validating altitude for p=2 (N576XP): filed: 5000 usable_rte_dist: 4.277334 maxDescent: 1000 maxAlt: 3000 minAlt: 5000 chosen_alt: 3000
0:04:35.068 D/ATC: p=2 (N576XP): Cleared IFR
0:04:35.068 I/FLT: Init dat_p2 type:loc_specify_lle lat:23.301350 lon:113.282402 ele(ft):5000.000038 psi:23.000000 spd(kts):116.250001
0:04:35.068 D/ATC: p=2 (N576XP): Fly Heading: 20
0:04:35.068 D/ATC: p=2 (N576XP): Maintain 2998ft
0:04:35.068 I/ATC: Aircraft p=2 (N576XP) started airborne as an arrival at 23.301350, 113.282402, 25.321342
0:04:36.638 D/ATC: p=2 (N576XP): Fly Heading: 103
0:04:36.638 D/ATC: p=2 (N576XP): Maintain 1998ft
0:04:36.638 I/ATC: S-76 6XP, Fly heading 1 1 0, vectors for the visual approach runway 01, descend and maintain 2 thousand.
0:04:36.638 I/ATC: Aircraft p=3 () started at ZGGG:GY01
0:04:36.638 I/FLT: Init dat_p3 type:loc_ram apt:ZGGG start at:GY01
0:04:37.018 I/ATC: Heading 1 1 0, vectors for the visual runway 01, down to 2 thousand, S-76 6XP.
0:05:26.060 I/ATC: S-76 6XP, Guangzhou Baiyun Intl altimeter 2 9 9 2.
0:05:26.060 I/ATC: Guangzhou Baiyun Intl altimeter 2 9 9 2, S-76 6XP.
--=={This application has crashed!}==--