280875 -------------------- Starting everything now ----------------------
280953 ASN active function link set
280953 Ready for ActiveSky WX radar with additional data
284125 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled
864109 **** Restarting traffic scanning due to non-reception ****
13348844 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 13071 secs = 36.2 fps
13348844 Max AI traffic was 8 aircraft (Deleted 0)
21381234 **** Restarting traffic scanning due to non-reception ****
21479219 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 8075 secs = 34.2 fps
21479219 Max AI traffic was 19 aircraft (Deleted 0)
21993828 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 122 secs = 26.6 fps
21993828 Max AI traffic was 19 aircraft (Deleted 0)
22126953 Weather Mode now = Theme