Magknight 787 FMS/EFB 研发进展更新
原话:Magknight has shared some previews of how their new coding incorporates performance and weight/balance calculations through the use of the EFB. Large changes to the EFB are being made, including new aircraft config system, allowing you to manage all the important aircraft loadout features from the galley to the cargo. As stated above, this update also features takeoff and landing performance calculations. Its simplicity allows the user to select their runway of choice with an intersection departure if desired. Runway conditions, winds, and automatic flap settings for flaps 5, 10, 15, 17, 18, and 20 (for some airports only) are all incorporated into the system for accurate performance calculations from within the simulator.Magknight 787 ??他家的和QW787相比那个能好点? 又一家制作787的插件商吗? 这个是XP11的787吧,怎么发到P3D板块了 为何LZ这么喜欢发错区呢??? 787?老是做p3d的 xplane11的787真的垃圾 没人做xplane的787 mk的789?不是xplane的吗?我觉得QW787会做的更好一点叭~ XP的787慢慢完善吧:lol maknight怎么样,没什么映像 没有航电就一外形 又发错区了 没有航电就一外形 XP的787慢慢完善吧 感谢分享 慢慢完善吧...现阶段的mg787属实垃圾 XP的787连QwQ 7bug7都不如