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(原创翻译)DCS World JSGME终极指南——如果你使...

发表于 2014-12-12 13:39:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 Eagle0110 于 2015-1-3 12:40 编辑


The Ultimate DCS World JSGME Guide - If you use mods, you need this.

DCS World JSGME终极指南 - 如果你使用Mod,你需要这个。

Hi Everyone,

I see a lot of problems arising with people using mods, then the DCS:W updater then getting  frustrated when their mods are moved to the _backup folder...Also, if you like tinkering with  the game files you can end up with a ton of extra 'copies' in your DCS World folder with no  real way of knowing what or where they are.

There also seems to be a few problems with MODMAN, but that's not really something I've  looked into much...Mods have to be "MODMAN compatible" and blah blah blah.

My 'weapon of choice' for DCS Modding is JSGME (JoneSoft Generic Mod Enabler) I've been using it for ages now, I'm pretty sure I started using it in the Falcon 4.0 days, or if not  definitely since Silent Hunter 3. It's a very simple utility and it keeps your game directory  nice and clean...Also, it doesn't require a specific 'package' to be made, in fact 99% of the  mods you use are already read to go with JSGME.
于是,我的“专攻DCS Mod的武器”是 JSGME(JoneSoft 通用Mod启动器)。我已经使用这个工具有了相当长时间,十分确信自从Falcon 4.0的时候就已经开始用了,甚至有可能是自从猎杀潜航3。这个工具非常简单,却可以保证你的游戏目录干净而整洁…不仅如此,这个工具完全不需要Mod被制成任何“特殊版本”,事实上你需要的Mod中有99%都已经可以拿来直接通过JSGME使用。

Still with me? good. let's get started!


0) If you have mods installed in DCS:World uninstall them...now.

The days of going  through the file system to replace and backup are over! The future is now (原创翻译)DCS World JSGME终极指南——如果你使...-7493 ...well, in the  next step...
过去需要进到文件系统中一个一个地备份和替换的日子已经过去!我们现在将来到未来(原创翻译)DCS World JSGME终极指南——如果你使...-5005 …嗯,至少在下一步当中我们会的…

1) Get yourself JSGME
from here - http://www.gamefront.com/files/21681483  or here http://www41.zippyshare.com/view.jsp...hu&key=2423962 It's a 7zip file so you'll need WinRAR or (shockingly) 7zip to unzip it.
从这里 - http://www.gamefront.com/files/21681483  或者这里 http://www41.zippyshare.com/view.jsp...hu&key=2423962 。这些是7zip文件所以你会需要 WinRAR 或者(理所当然地)7zip 来解压他们。(不反对大家来传至百度网盘,但这两个地址的文件是一直更新的,虽然这没有关系,原因下文见。——译者)

2) Unzip the files to their new home.
A lot of people say that you need to unzip JSGME in the game directory you're using it for.  this is not true. I personally like to have it 'installed' in C:\JSGME keeps things tidier that way. So make a new folder in C:\ and copy the files there.

3) Set up your shortcut
This is very important as we need to tell JSGME where to operate. make a shortcut to the  program on your desktop. Right click the shortcut and choose properties...This is what you'll  see.

(原创翻译)DCS World JSGME终极指南——如果你使...-4948

As you can see, Target is c:\JSGME\JSGME.exe this is set automatically. What we're looking at is the "Start In" box. We need to enter our main DCS World folder in here. In MY case it's  "d:\DCS World\" but I believe the default is "c:\program files\eagle dynamics\dcs world" or something like that. Make sure you double check and enter the correct path!
就像你看到的,Target(“目标”)一项 "c:\JSGME\JSGME.exe" 已经被正确地自动设置。你需要找的是 "Start In" (“起始位置”)这一输入框。我们需要在这里输入DCS World的根目录。 在我自己的电脑中是"d:\DCS World\"不过我确信默认的地址是"c:\program files\eagle dynamics\dcs world"或者类似的地址。确保仔细检查确保输入正确的跟目录地址!

4) create a mods folder in your DCS World directory
4)在DCS World跟目录下创建一个放Mod的文件夹。
we'll need a folder in DCS World for JSGME to use, as you probably know there is already a folder called "Mods" in there so we'll make a new folder called "_MODS" to keep things  simple. This is the ONLY folder that you need to add to the DCS:W directory, the rest stays  stock so it stays well maintained.
在DCS World根目录中我们需要一个供JSGME使用的文件夹,你或许已经知道那里已经有一个叫做“Mods”的文件夹,于是我们把我们创建的新文件夹命名为“_MODS”来避免各种麻烦。这是唯一一个需要在DCS:W目录中创建的文件夹,剩下的所有其他文件夹保持原样以保证对他们的良好维护。

(原创翻译)DCS World JSGME终极指南——如果你使...-5191

There ya go...

5) Run JSGME
Finally we start getting to the good stuff. After you've made your _MODS folder in DCS:W, run JSGME from your desktop shortcut.
好事终于来临。当你已经在DCSW目录下创建“ _MODS”文件夹之后,通过桌面上的快捷方式文件来运行JSGME。
You'll be immediately greeted by this screen...
(原创翻译)DCS World JSGME终极指南——如果你使...-5334

Simply enter our new DCS:W _MODS folder in the box as seen above and press OK.

JSGME will load and we'll end up with a blank screen.

(原创翻译)DCS World JSGME终极指南——如果你使...-8797


6) setup JSGME...
We're nearly there!
See that blue word saying 'tasks' right in the centre...you're going to want to click that. In the little menu that pops up, click "Generate Snapshot of Game Files" and then sit back and wait safe in the knowledge that Ebs had to reset all his JSGME settings and go through all of this s*it so you don't have to...
看到正中央的篮字“tasks”了咩?…你需要点击它。在跳出来的小菜单中,点击“Generate Snapshot of Game Files”(生成游戏文件快照)然后坐下来静等… (好吧其实原文还强调了原贴作者Ebs在写这篇帖子的时侯为了做这些演示需要重设他的所有JSGME设置然后又重新走一遍这些恶心的步骤而“你竟然不用这样”。——译者)

Now wipe that smug grin of your face and carry on reading!

The purpose of the snapshot task is so that JSGME knows what your default DCS World file/folder structure looks so when you install/deinstall mods JSGME can restore your original file/folder structure. Close JSGME when the snapshot is finished.
这个建立文件快照的步骤是为了让JSGME知道你的DCS World文件/文件夹的结构是什么样子,这样当你安装/卸载Mod的时候JSGME可以恢复你的原始的文件/文件夹结构。当文件快照步骤结束的时候关闭JSGME。

7)You're all done!...Almost...
Rememer that _MODS folder we created? this is going to be where we...wait for it...put all our mods! the _MODS folder is almost like a virtual DCS:World directory. To demonstrate how to install a mod I'm going to use neroroxxx's female wingman mod (http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=96405) as an example.
还记得你创建的那个叫做“_MODS”的文件夹咩?那个地方将会留给我们…等下…放置我们所有的Mod!这个名为“_MODS”的文件夹几乎可以被看作一个“虚拟的DCS World跟目录”。让我们来通过neroroxxx制作的女性僚机Mod(http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=96405)来演示如何通过JSGME安装Mod。

When you download the mod you'll get a zip file containing a folder called "1" within that folder there you'll find the wav files and more folders containing wav files. This is how we get it into JSGME...

On his post he says that you must install the mod to DCS World/Sounds/Speech/Sound/ENG/Common/Wingman/
在这个Mod的原作者的帖子上他讲到你必须把Mod安装到DCS World/Sounds/Speech/Sound/ENG/Common/Wingman/这里。

Go to your new DCS World/_MODS folder. Make a new folder called "Female Wingman" and within that recreate the EXACT structure of the folders...
到你新建的DCS World/_MODS文件夹。创建一个新的文件夹并命名为“Female Wingman”(女性僚机)然后在这个文件夹里面创建一个与作者要求中完全一致的文件夹结构…

DCS World/_MODS/Female Wingman/Sounds/Speech/Sound/ENG/Common/Wingman/ and extract the female wingman mod to this directory. Your mod is now ready for use.
也就是DCS World/_MODS/Female Wingman/Sounds/Speech/Sound/ENG/Common/Wingman/然后把这个女性僚机Mod解压到这个目录中。你的Mod可以使用了。

Load JSGME from the desktop shortcut once again and you'll see "Female Wingman" in the list on the left. To enable it, simple click the mod then the ">" button in the centre of JSGME to move the mod to the right list and enable it.
通过桌面上的快捷方式来再一次加载JSGME然后你会在左侧列表中看到“Female Wingman”。要启动它,只需要简单地点选这个Mod然后点击JSGME界面中央的“>”按键来把Mod条目移到右边的列表中以将其启用。

Close JSGME, run DCS World and there you go...Female wingman. To disable the mod, close DCS World, open JSGME and move the mod from the right to left. DONE. Clean and simple.
关闭JSGME,运行DCS World然后你就会看到…女性僚机。要禁用这个Mod,退出DCS World,打开JSGME然后把Mod从右侧的列表移到左侧。完成!十分简单。

To add more mods simply add them to the _MODS folder. Create a new folder with the name you want for the mod. and then in that directory recreate the DCS World folder structure exactly as you need for the mod files.
要想加入更多Mod只需简单地把它们放到_MODS文件夹。创建新的文件夹并如你所愿地根据你的Mod命名,然后在这个新文件夹中建立与你的Mod的需要完全一致的DCS World文件夹结构。

One more example: The awesome KA-50 JTAC mod (http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=93228)
Download the zip. Create a new folder in _MODS called "KA50 JTAC". open the downloaded mod zip and click through the folders until you see two folders 'sounds' and 'mods'...Just extract these two folders to your new "KA50 JTAC" folder. run JSGME and enable...You now have JTAC in the Kamov.
再举个例子:这个了不起的Ka-50 JTAC Mod (http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=93228)
下载压缩文件。在 _MODS 文件夹中新建一个叫做“KA50 JTAC”的文件夹。 打开下载的Mod压缩文件并一层一层地点击进去知道你看到叫做“sounds”和“mods”的文件夹… 只需把这两个文件夹解压到你新建的“KA50 JTAC”文件夹中。运行JSGME然后启用Mod… 于是现在你在这家卡莫夫直升机中就可以使用JTAC啦。

Just remember: When you create a folder in _MODS, this folder becomes your virtual DCS World root directory and any modded files must be placed in the correct folder. If you remember that you can't go wrong.
记住:当你在 _MODS中新建文件夹时,这个文件夹相当于你的“虚拟”DCS World根目录,而且任何被修改的文件必须放到其中正确对应DCS World目录结构的文件夹中。你只要注意这一点就不会遇到任何错误。

Here's how my JSGME currently looks...

(原创翻译)DCS World JSGME终极指南——如果你使...-9697

One last thing before I go. JSGME is an incredible help when it comes to DCS:World autoupdating...When you get notification that a new update it available, don't download just yet. Run JSGME and disable all your mods...THEN download and apply the update. This way, your DCS World directory is restored to default and the update won't mess with any of your mods. After the update you can simply enable your mods again. You can even choose to 'compare files with snapshot' after the update to see exactly which files ED have updated...for futher tinkering purposes (原创翻译)DCS World JSGME终极指南——如果你使...-1805
我走之前再讲一件事。当涉及到DCS:World自动更新的时候JSGME将会变得无比的有帮助… 当你看到通知有新的更新可用的时候,先不要马上就下载更新。运行JSGME然后禁用你所有的Mod… 然后再下载并应用更新。这样,你的DCS World目录会被恢复至默认以保证更新过程不会去乱动你的Mod。在完成更新之后你可以把你的Mod简单地再次启用。你甚至可以在更新之后选择“compare files with snapshot”(对比实际文件与文件快照)来看一看ED到底更新了那些文件…来实现进一步折腾的目的(原创翻译)DCS World JSGME终极指南——如果你使...-2495

If you're at all serious about using mods in DCS:World, you need JSGME. Plain and simple.


发表于 2014-12-12 21:37:24 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2014-12-28 21:26:57 | 显示全部楼层
好东西啊 耍过IL2的都知道(原创翻译)DCS World JSGME终极指南——如果你使...-7397
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Eagle0110 发表于 2015-1-3 12:36
比如RWR真实声音告警mod,真实夜视 ...

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楼主 发表于 2015-7-23 22:48:50 | 显示全部楼层

这是本人亲自翻译滴(原创翻译)DCS World JSGME终极指南——如果你使...-2187
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