Alpha Floor是空客自动驾驶的高攻角保护模式(反博南系统之一?),一旦接通会保持TOGA最大爬升\HDG hold 最麻烦的是此时自动驾驶不能再接通,维持大约180节速度,且自动油门无法直接取消 为了改出: 1.断开自动油门,调整俯仰,减少仰角降低爬升率。 2.油门杆后拉从CL档移开 3.接通自动油门、接通自动驾驶 4.看PFD提示挂CL档,改出完毕
航路丢失问题? 尤其是右转时突然告警航路变成绿色虚线,变为HDG NAV预位或干脆没有NAV了,在MCDU选择DTD直飞下一个航点或当前活动航点即可 目前这两种情况可能与autorudder勾选有关,autorudder勾选会弹窗提示导致机模模拟不正常。
Alpha Floor is a low speed protection (in normal law) which is purely an autothrust mode. When activated, it provides TOGA thrust. As the aircraft decelerates into the alpha protection range, the Alpha Floor is activated, even if the autothrust is disengaged. Activation is roughly proportional to the rate of deceleration. ... at low speeds, if a rapid avoidance manoeuvre is required to avoid terrain, windshear or another aircraft, it is safe to rapidly pull the sidestick fully aft and/or bank and hold it there. The aircraft will pitch up to max Alpha, engage TOGA thrust and climb away.