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[资讯] P3DV5版本PMDG777更新与发布在即

发表于 2021-2-12 19:03:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
[size=13.8125px][10FEB21] PMDG 777-200ER status and release progress update[size=13.8125px][color=rgb(101, 106, 109) !important][size=1.1]10Feb2021, 07:21


As we wrap up one workday and start another, I am happy to report that we have reached a point where we are beginning to implement the process that moves both our free update and the new product (PMDG 777-200ER) into release.

We have some details that we are still cleaning up, but the hard work and much of the difficult quality control tasking is completed and the items remaining are mostly polish, cleanup and closeout. These things, like the major tasks, do take a bit of time so we are currently looking at between 7-14 days to release. To describe that differently, we are looking at a release in the range of 17-24FEB.

We anticipate releasing both the massive, free update for the PMDG 777-200LR/F Base Package and the PMDG 777-300ER Expansion Package simultaneously with the new PMDG 777-200ER Expansion Package. Lets talk about the free update, first.

Free Update for PMDG 777-200LR/F and PMDG 777-300ER
With this free update, we have been focused on bringing into the 777 many of the features developed since 2013 that are not currently in the version you are flying, but that exist in the 737 and 747. Items such as Ground Services, Ground Handling, fuel density, PMDG's custom sound engine, a completely overhauled sound set that includes sound randomization, engine character capability and improved overall sound quality. We have also added a number of improved animation functions to the VC, turbulence and buffeting effects, improved system operations, an updated version of the 777 fly-by-wire system in both roll, pitch, trim and speed stability modes, new GE90 engine simulation model, some 300+ service report fixes taken from the items that we have logged since initial product release in 2013, our new physics model reflecting structural vibration based upon actual material values and flight loads, a completely new braking and ground inertial module that includes a new thermal transfer computation based upon materials properties and radiative thermal properties, an engirely new set of external models that include PBR surfaces and new texture properties, new compatibility with prepar3d v5 and probably a dozen other things i am forgetting. A few have asked if we are including RainMaker in this update series- and we are not. That will come with a later update that involves a new VC model for the entire 777 product line.

This update focuses entirely on the P3D v4 and v5 platforms and does not update any functionality in P3D v3 since we have stopped developing on x86 based platforms. The update will be available to all users of the 777 product line entirely free of cost, as our way offering a bit of hope, benefit and value in the covid environment for all of the customers who have supported us for the past two decades. Thank you- and we hope that this huge overhaul of our beloved, 777 brings you many more hours of simulation enjoyment.

PMDG 777-200ER:
Okay- lets move on to the main event for all of your 200ER lovers We have just pushed another update series of this product to our beta testing teams, and we are looking at a few more rounds probably in time for the weekend and then again early next week in order to close out a last few remaining items that they will inevitably identify. We are really very excited to finally bring you these much desired versions of the 777, in large part because so many of you have asked for them for so long. In this package we are providing you with the PW, GE and RR engine variants of the 200ER, each with it's own customized engine simulation and associated cockpit instrumentation, customized engine sound package, customized flight model and performance.

Coupled together with the new sound engine, these three airplanes give you a truly fantastic auditory buffet to choose from as you exercise your 777 across both long and short-haul routes the world over.

Below I've included a few shots to give you a good glimpse of what is coming. Of course we have included the first image as a BA airplane since they remain one of my favorite airlines. This image gives you a good solid view of some of the new ground equipment set up to prepare the airplane for departure to some far-flung destination. You can run ground services through our in-FMS menu system to complete a fully automated ground-turn handling everything from fueling to doors, cleaning, catering and loading and it follows along with the boeing standardized gate management plan for turns of nearly any length, dynamically adjusting the arrival and departure of equipment realistically to reflect operations around the airplane. (Note: As with all of our products, we have kept this flexible and compatible with any third party program you might have that provides more in-depth ground traffic simulation. Simply don't activate ours, or only activate the parts you want us to run for you, and you are all set!)

This airplane has a very slight wear to the finish that shows up as slight color shade differences due to loss of the gloss coat that naturally comes from years of use and regular de-ice cycles. If you compare this one to the other images below it becomes more obvious.

Look at that Roller Power... I have a hard time choosing between the RR and PW as my personal favorite... I like the look of the Roller, but I have a personal relationship with the PW airplanes from my days back at the Evil Empire™ so listening to the PW rumble brings back many pleasant memories. I'll let you know if I ever make up my mind.

Next Up, we have the GE powered KLM pulled the gear up on the way out of town. With the newly revamped cockpit sound engine, you will have a much more realistic feel for the state of the gear doors and the nose gear itself while flying the 777. It makes for a pretty significant improvement and is just one of the hundreds of small details we pack into the 777 simulation.

Speaking of small details, I wonder how many of you (if any) have noticed the red door safety indicator in the main landing gear bay? Jason just happened to catch that perfectly in this image so i thought I'd point it out. (That light has been in there since 2012... there are literally hundreds of such details if you take the time to look!)

And lastly we have a PW powered All Nippon just about to set it's feet down. This angle gives you a good view of the odd "lizard skin" flare on the aft part of the engine pylon, as well as the slightly out-of-round shape associated with the PW4090 engine type. Jason has spent a considerable amount of time tweaking and tuning these engines in, using Boeing's own data as a guide to getting things in their proper place and shape. It is a terrifically difficult thing to do- and he does it exceptionally well.

You can see within all three of these images how the PBR quality really brings out the visual details of the airplane in a nice fashion. Lockheed Martin continues to improve upon the platform and with each growth cycle we gain access to a bit more capability in terms of improving visual realism, making the interior and exterior models more convincing. We are hoping that by the time we are finished with the 777 cockpit model overhaul (late 2021) that we'll have another update or possibly two from Lockheed that will really allow us to treat that part of the airplane properly as we have been able to do with the outsides.

Alright, that is all from me for now. We may turn the beta team loose to show you the range of other liveries we have available for you with this new package. We have been struggling to get the paint kits done so that those can roll out as well. It is always tough to get them wrapped up during the heat of a release push since we don't want to push them out while there is any chance at all of a last minute change to the model or mappings etc... but we'll do our best to make them available for all of you talented artists.

Have a good week- I very much hope we have given you something to look forward to with this update and please do continue to take a moment to be kind to one another, and maybe even a stranger in the days ahead. If you are like me, you are quite sick of being stuck in a small radius circle and I am very much looking forward to getting my dose and being able to get out and see the world a bit more confidently. There is a tendency to be a bit short-tempered with our fellow man under these conditions- but if each of us fights that urge for a few more months- we will get through this perhaps with a bit greater understanding of what it takes to be kind to one another.

I hope we will all try. Each of us.

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