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ProSimB738 version 3.09

发表于 2021-9-14 20:14:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Aug 11 2021 Release Version 3.09
- [FMS] Revised VREF tables
- [FMS] V speeds are now adjusted for slope/wind/altitude
- [FMS] Added VREF SFP table
- [FMS] Added V1MCG table
- [FMS] Added NAV INVALID-TUNE xxxxx alerting message
- [FMS] Added RW/APP TUNE DISAGREE alerting message
- [FMS] Added FMC APP MODE UNAVAIL-GP advisory message
- [FMS] Added V SPEEDS UNAVAILABLE advisory message
- [FMS] Added MCP APP DISARM REQD advisory message
- [FMS] Added RESET MCP APP MODE advisory message
- [FMS] Added LOC CAP ACTIVE advisory message
- [FMS] Added LOC CAP CANCELLED advisory message
- [FMS] Prevent "RESET MCP ALT" message if there is a hold between A/C position and T/D
- [FMS] Fixed take off AT mode on VNAV
- [FMS] Fixed STEEP DES message showing for discontinuity
- [FMS] Fixed issue where modified route was returning wrong cruise speed
- [FMS] Improved hold DECEL marker
- [FMS] Fixed level segment when altitude restriction of same value of cruise level is added to enroute segment
- [FMS][VNAV] Fixed MCP altitude overshoot when on early descent
- [FMS][VNAV] Improved DES NOW logic
- [FMS][VNAV] Added OVERSPEED DISCONNECT alerting message
- [FMS][VNAV] Added VNAV DISCONNECT alerting message
- [FMS][VNAV] Added VNAV INVALID-PERF alerting message
- [FMS][VNAV][Professional] Added VNAV EXCEPTION failure
- [FMS][IDENT][Commercial] Allow simulation of ACTIVE / STANDBY database change
- [FMS][IDENT][Commercial] Improved NAVDATA OUT OF DATE message when changing cycles
- [FMS][RTE] Fixed discontinuity after last waypoint from company route
- [FMS][U13][RTE2] Fixed RTE2 ERASE removing also origin and destination
- [FMS][LEGS] Fixed STEP not in sync when changing EFIS from PLAN to MAP and back
- [FMS][LEGS] Fixed wind and vnav data entry modifying route when data is invalid
- [FMS][LEGS] Fixed altitude restriction for enroute accepting values greater than cruise level
- [FMS][LEGS] RW speed should be empty if no vref speed entered
- [FMS][LEGS] Fixed FA legs not showing TRK on direction label
- [FMS][TAKEOFF2] Fixed missing climb thrust
- [FMS][CRZ] Fixed CRZ DES mode
- [FMS][CRZ] Improved CRZ CLB/DES mode handler
- [FMS][DES] Fixed cdu crash when hold is active and calculated speed is in mach
- [FMS][DES] Fixed null reference
- [FMS][APPROACH REF] Allow deletion of vref speed/flaps
- [FMS][HOLD] Fixed HOLD AVAIL not available if route has modification
- [FMS][HOLD] Fixed EFC returning INVALID ENTRY when ETA is close to 24:00 and EFC is already in the next day
- [FMS][HOLD] Fixed Speed/Alt not showing calculated values
- [FMS][HOLD] Fixed null reference
- [FMS][HOLD] Fixed HOLD AVAIL using EFC for calculation
- [FMS][HOLD] Improved page layout when exit armed
- [FMS][HOLD] Fixed ERASE prompt not avail when exiting the hold
- [FMS][HOLD] Added UNABLE HOLD AIRSPACE alerting message
Note: When outside the hold, if an attempt to exit the hold is done, this message will appear. Perform a DIRECT TO to exit the hold.
- [FMS][N1][PAR-5620] Improved CLB derate recalculation

- [Auto-throttle] Improved TO/GA response
- [Autoflight] Fixed hold speed not commanded when already commanding mach

- [Pneumatic][Commercial] Added bleed trip (no reset) failure
- [APU] Fixed APU not starting after an APU fault reset
- [APU] Fixed APU FAULT light not illuminating with APU failure
- [APU] Fixed protective shutdown not illuminating APU FAULT
- [WAI] WAI should affect N1 value

- [FM] Fixed flight model handler
- [Engine start faults][Commercial] Flight deck effects reviewed
- [SimConnect] Fixed some data inconsistencies
- [Misc] Improved wxr radar split controls handler
- [Misc] Fixed engine start
- [Misc][Commercial] Improved engine start failures (correct flight deck effects)
- [Misc][Commercial] Moved NO OIL PRESSURE RISE failure to ATA 80 (Start Faults)
- [Misc][Professional] Fixed crash at startup due to invalid tuning parameters

- [PFD] Adjusted AH failed info
- [PFD][APP DATA] Improved ILS course flag logic
- [PFD][ALT TAPE] Fixed blue runway reference bar
- [ND] Fixed VOR radial values
- [ND] Fixed VOR radial showing inbound course in some conditions
- [ND][VSD] Fixed EFIS RANGE 5 not working properly
- [ND][PLAN] Fixed incorrect range
- [ND][Terrain] Improved advanced terrain processing
- [SEI] Moved engine indications to the left to align with upper DU gauges
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