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[原创] X-Plane12 Q&A

发表于 2021-10-14 07:58:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
问:向后兼容性:现在可以在 x-plane 11 中使用的东西会怎样?它可以在 X-Plane 12 中使用吗?
答:“我们已经确保现有的 OpenGL 桥接器继续以插件期望的方式与 v12 一起使用。我们希望大多数表现良好的附加组件能够继续像他们在 v11 中所做的那样工作,其中包括从第三方风景和飞机到通用插件的所有内容。这包括现有的附加正射照片风景。” Sidney Just(图形开发人员)

问:X-Plane 12 完成了吗?
答:“不行!我们的团队仍在努力集成功能、解决错误等。本主题演讲旨在让您尽早了解我们正在开发的功能。” – 汤姆森·米克斯(市场营销)

Q : 关于天气系统,你们有什么系统可以俯瞰群山,风与它们相互作用吗?
答:我们已经有很多年了,实际上……” – Austin Meyer(创始人)

A:“是的,我们有计划进行一些改进。X-Plane 12 的初始版本只会进行一些更改,特别是对于机场和城市地形。您可以期待在以后的 v12 更新中进行更多更改。” – Petr Bednar(风景艺术家)

Q : 我拥有 X-Plane 11. 升级过程是怎样的?
答:“X-Plane 的新版本始终是付费升级,因为它们代表了我们开发团队过去多年的工作以及未来增量更新的后续工作。购买 X-Plane 12 后,您将在 SIM 卡的整个生命周期内获得免费增量更新,就像我们为 v11、X-Plane 11.30、11.50 等所做的那样。” – 汤姆森·米克斯(市场营销)

问:X-Plane 12 的帧率/性能与 X-Plane 11 相比如何?我需要什么样的电脑?
答:“我们预计 X-Plane 12 将比 X-Plane 11 需要更多的 GPU 能力,但没有人需要对已转移到 GPU 的一些新功能感到恐慌——GPU 非常擅长这些事情。” Ben Supnik(首席开发人员)
“目前还没有要求,现在就自信地说需要什么还为时过早。” – Sidney Just(图形开发人员)

Q : 对于新的默认jetways,是否支持宽体飞机的两个jetways?
答:“风景可以(并且已经)在停放位置显示多个喷气式飞机,但最初只有其中一个会以动画方式停靠。该系统本身的架构允许在未来显示多个同时停靠的航道。” – Michael Minnhaar(WED 开发人员)

答:“是的,新的 apt.dat 规范确实包括这一点。我们在 WED 中有它,我们确实有着色器来实现这一点。” Michael Minnhaar(WED 开发人员)

问: 我们什么时候可以试用 X-Plane 12?
答:“我们的第一个里程碑是让 X-Plane 12 为 3rd 方开发者的私人测试做好准备。之后,我们将提供公开抢先体验。届时社区将首先能够使用 v12。那些在抢先体验期间购买 X-Plane 12 的人也将获得 X-Plane 11 的使用权。” – 汤姆森·米克斯(市场营销)

Q : 关于新的云系统,是否会支持个别不同类型的云?
答:“是的。在新的云系统中,云的类型和云的覆盖范围是分开的。云可以是卷云、层云、积云或积雨云,并且引擎支持这些类型之间的混合,例如积云可以随着时间的推移变成积雨云。云类型控制云的视觉属性并可用于飞行模型。覆盖范围是独立的,因此破碎的天空可能是层云或积云层。云的高度也是独立的,所以当你让云变得非常高时,就会发生“高耸的”积雨云。” – Ben Supnik(首席开发人员)

答:“我永远不可能将飞行包线的任何先入为主的概念应用于任何飞机。我的意思是,对于第 10 版,我们正在从离轨燃烧中驾驶航天飞机。任何人为限制显然都与 X-Plane 的设计目的背道而驰。物理学清楚地控制着飞机每时每刻的加速度……而且加速度与速度和位置的速度相结合,完全没有任何人为限制。” – 奥斯汀迈耶(创始人)

Q : X-Plane 12 的风景开发者会有网格编辑工具吗?
答:“这不是 v12.0 功能。” – Sidney Just(图形开发人员)

答:“我已经为 X-Plane 12 开发了所有云的数学计算,分辨率为 1 公里,然后 Ben 获得了比渲染更高级别的细节。接下来 Ben 将更高精度的数据传回给我以应用于飞行模型。我不保证我可以将精度降低到飞机的翼展以下,但它会足够接近,可以在云中产生湍流、云中结冰、云中和云下的雨等等。 ” – 奥斯汀迈耶(创始人)

问:您是否计划改进 VR 集成,尤其是 UI?
A:“不适用于初始版本。我们对 VR 有很多功能请求,包括 OpenXR 支持和更好的插件集成,我们将在发布后查看这些功能。” – Ben Supnik(首席开发人员)
Q: Backwards compatibility: What happens with stuff that works in X-Plane 11 now? Will it work in X-Plane 12?
A: “We have made sure that the existing OpenGL bridge continues to work with v12 the way plugins expect. We expect the majority of well behaved add-ons to continue to work the way they did in v11, which includes everything from third party scenery and aircraft to general plugins. This includes existing add-on ortho-photo scenery.” Sidney Just (Graphics Developer)

Q: Is X-Plane 12 finished yet?
A: “Nope! Our team is still working hard to integrate features, resolve bugs, etc. This keynote is intended to give you an early look into the features that we are developing.” – Thomson Meeks (Marketing)

Q: Regarding the weather system, do you have any system where it looks over the mountains and the wind interacts with them?
A: We have had this for many years, actually…” – Austin Meyer (Founder)

Q: Are there any plans to improve the default ground textures?
A: “Yes, we have a plan to make some improvements. Only some changes will be available for the initial releases of X-Plane 12, notably for airports and urban terrain. You can expect more changes in a later v12 update.” – Petr Bednar (Scenery Artist)

Q: I own X-Plane 11. What is the upgrade process like?
A: “New versions of X-Plane are always a paid upgrade because they represent years of past work by our development team and subsequent work for future of incremental updates. Once you purchase X-Plane 12, you’ll get free incremental updates for the life of the sim, just like we did for v11, X-Plane 11.30, 11.50, etc.” – Thomson Meeks (Marketing)

Q: How does the frame rate/performance of X-Plane 12 compare to X-Plane 11? What kind of computer will I need?
A: “We expect X-Plane 12 will require more GPU power than X-Plane 11, but no one needs to panic about some of the new features that have been moved to the GPU – the GPU is really good at these things.”Ben Supnik (Lead Developer)
“No requirements yet, it’s too early to say with confidence what is required.” – Sidney Just (Graphics Developer)

Q: For the new default jetways, Is there any support for say two jetways for wide body aircraft?
A: “Sceneries can (and do already) show multiple jetways in the parked position, but initially only one of them will be animated to dock. The system itself is architected to allow showing multiple simultaneous docking jetways in the future.” – Michael Minnhaar (WED Developer)

Q: Will there be support for different color runway markings? For example orange markings instead of white or yellow in Arctic environments?
A: “Yes, the new apt.dat specs do include this. We have that in WED and we do have the shaders to enable this.” Michael Minnhaar (WED Developer)

Q: When can we try X-Plane 12?
A: “Our first milestone is getting X-Plane 12 ready for a private beta for 3rd-party developers. After that, we will offer a public Early Access. That’s when the community will first be able to get their hands on v12. Those who purchase X-Plane 12 during Early Access will receive access to X-Plane 11 as well.” – Thomson Meeks (Marketing)

Q: Regarding the new cloud system, will there be support for the individual different types of clouds?
A: “Yes. In the new cloud system, the type of cloud and coverage of the cloud are separate. A cloud can be cirrus, stratus, cumulus or cumulonimbus, and the engine supports blending between the types e.g. a cumulus cloud can morph into a cumulonimbus cloud over time. The cloud types control the visual properties of the cloud and are available to the flight model. Coverage is independent, so a broken sky could be a stratus or cumulus layer. The cloud height is also independent so a “towering” cumulonimbus is what happens when you make the cloud really tall.” – Ben Supnik (Lead Developer)

Q: Do you have any limitations when it comes to the flight envelopes when it comes to altitude or speed? Is anything locked out or can you go to any altitude as long as there is enough air or engine power?
A: “There is no possible way I would apply any preconceived notion of a flight envelope to any airplane, ever. I mean, for version 10 we were flying the space shuttle from de-orbit burn. Any artificial limit would clearly be contrary to everything that X-Plane is designed to do. Physics clearly govern the acceleration of the aircraft at every single moment in time… And acceleration is integrated to velocity and velocity to location without any artificial limit at all.” – Austin Meyer (Founder)

Q: Will there be mesh editing tools for scenery developers of X-Plane 12?
A: “This is not a v12.0 feature.”  – Sidney Just (Graphics Developer)

Q: Regarding the weather system, I’ve dipped my wing into a cloud before and you get turbulence on one wing but not the other. Is that something that the cloud and rendering system is tied to; the physics engine in some way?
A: “I have developed all the math for the clouds down to a resolution of 1 km for X-Plane 12 then Ben gets the higher level detail than that to render. Next Ben passes the higher accuracy data back to me to apply to the flight model. I don’t guarantee I can get my accuracy down to less than the wingspan of an airplane, but it will be close enough to give turbulence in the clouds, icing in the clouds, rain in and under the clouds, and things like that.” – Austin Meyer (Founder)

Q: Do you have any improvements planned for VR integration, particularly with the UI?
A: “Not for the initial release. We have a bunch of feature requests for VR including OpenXR support and better integration for plugins that we’ll look at after we ship.” – Ben Supnik (Lead Developer)

发表于 2021-10-14 15:33:32 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2021-10-14 19:00:34 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2021-10-14 22:42:07 | 显示全部楼层
值得期待 会考虑的
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发表于 2021-10-15 07:05:02 | 显示全部楼层


用专业卡的+1, 但显存占用大了偶尔会突然拖帧  详情 回复 发表于 2021-10-18 22:21
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发表于 2021-10-15 07:23:20 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2021-10-15 10:07:52 | 显示全部楼层
感谢分享,楼主辛苦了。X-Plane12 Q&A-1168 X-Plane12 Q&A-4481 X-Plane12 Q&A-5277
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发表于 2021-10-15 22:49:34 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2021-10-18 22:21:47 | 显示全部楼层
caijie581112 发表于 2021-10-15 07:05
看来第一句话就是说现在XP12已经不是openGL的了,很遗憾,因为XP11的opengl使用专业图形显卡非常流畅 ...

用专业卡的+1, 但显存占用大了偶尔会突然拖帧
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发表于 2021-10-20 20:52:59 | 显示全部楼层
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