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[资讯] [17APR22] PMDG 737 for MSFS: Developer Update - A bit of depth for today... D...

发表于 2022-4-17 17:02:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

This week has brought us a bit closer to release, but we are still being pretty cautious about setting a date-certain because of a few things that add some ambiguity. The biggest issue we are evaluating is the potential for Asobo's pending MSFS SU9 to create unanticipated issues with the 737. As you can imagine, consistency in the platform is important for testing purposes, so pushing a release out the door right at the pivot point when a major bug-fix change is coming to the platform requires some pretty careful calculus in order to avoid disrupting the testing process, but also being cautious about not creating a negative initial user experience when SU9 drops.

We have not yet finalized a decision and there is an entire evaluative process taking place. As I said in my 08APR22 update: When we make the date certain, we will let you know.

One other way to make this point so that it is clear: This product is not going to drop unannounced. You will know the day in advance. We may even give you an approximate time of day. So until you see us post this information, the date/time has not been set with certainty.

If we haven't told you the date/time yet- it means we have not finalized it.

We just want to make it a bit easy on everyone to understand. [17APR22] PMDG 737 for MSFS: Developer Update - A bit of depth for today... D...-2658

Between now and the release, we anticipate it will be quite a bit of fun. We are preparing to release the testing team from embargo so that they can begin telling you what they think of the airplane. Along with this release, we will release some streamers from their embargo hold as well. This should give them some interesting opportunities to show you the airplane from their own perspective and we think you will be excited by what you see.

We are also going to begin giving you far greater insight into the product beginning today, Sunday 17APR22 with the opening of a dedicated PMDG 737 for MSFS video series on our official youtube channel. Look for that a bit later in the day, Sunday. The release of new video content will be relatively steady, provided we don't hit any major surprises late in testing that pull me out of video production and back into code work. (It happens, sometimes...)

The video series will be introduced tomorrow officially, along with the first couple of productions. The deeper we get into the week, the more in depth we will get into the airplane, so it should be fun.

For tonight, I want to share a few images that Jason prepared for me earlier this evening. I rely heavily upon Jason and Vin having a good eye for the sorts of details that really make this product shine- and when Jason sent me a few images to choose from, I was so taken by these two shots that I thought you should see both:
[17APR22] PMDG 737 for MSFS: Developer Update - A bit of depth for today... D...-7770
Jason has been doing some experimenting with the MSFS's native depth of field capabilities as they relate to the drone camera- and the results are just spectacular. I may need to make this my new desktop wallpaper. [17APR22] PMDG 737 for MSFS: Developer Update - A bit of depth for today... D...-8794

The second image he created in this series uses the same technique- and what I love about the image is that it is so rich in features you can almost hear the sound of the engines as the airplane powers by you on the departure. [17APR22] PMDG 737 for MSFS: Developer Update - A bit of depth for today... D...-3696
Which is probably a fantastic way to transition into giving you a bit of information on the sound package that is coming with the new PMDG 737-700 for Microsoft Flight Simulator. Armen has been hard at work creating a sound-scape for this airplane that is as complex, rich and incredible as MSFS is visually. The capabilities of the Microsoft Flight Simulator engine to create a full sound environment is unlike anything we have every had the opportunity to work with, and Armen has truly risen to the occasion.

All around, this 737 is shaping up to be something spectacular- and we are incredibly proud of the work we have done and incredibly excited to turn it over to you for your enjoyment. Vin and Jason have built upon years of expertise to create an incredibly detailed and visually stimulating airplane model and when married with Armen's sound work we think you are in for an incredible treat.
I have a full day of content editing ahead, so it is time to get a bit of sleep. I'll see you all tomorrow with a bit more product information and some youtube fun!


大概的意思就是目前测试顺利,但是考虑到官方的SU9下一步的更新,目前还不太好确定PMDG的发布时间,不要刚发布了,SU发布后带来什么新的问题。 ...  发表于 2022-4-18 18:08
发表于 2022-4-17 17:50:15 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2022-4-18 07:29:47 | 显示全部楼层

这周让我们离发布更近了一点,但我们仍然对确定日期非常谨慎,因为一些事情会增加一些歧义。我们正在评估的最大问题是 Asobo 未决的 MSFS SU9 可能会在 737 上产生意想不到的问题。正如您可以想象的那样,平台的一致性对于测试目的很重要,因此在关键点推出一个版本时一个重大的错误修复更改即将出现在平台上,需要一些非常仔细的计算以避免破坏测试过程,但也要小心不要在 SU9 下降时产生负面的初始用户体验。

我们尚未最终确定决定,并且正在进行整个评估过程。正如我在 08APR22 更新中所说:当我们确定日期时,我们会通知您。





从今天(22 年 4 月 17 日星期日)开始,我们还将开始让您更深入地了解该产品,并在我们的官方 youtube 频道上为 MSFS 视频系列开放专用的 PMDG 737。周日晚些时候再找找。新视频内容的发布将相对稳定,前提是我们在测试后期没有遇到任何重大意外,导致我退出视频制作并重新投入代码工作。(有时会发生......)


今晚,我想分享几张杰森今晚早些时候为我准备的照片。我非常依赖 Jason 和 Vin 对真正让这款产品大放异彩的各种细节有着敏锐的洞察力——当 Jason 给我发了几张可供选择的图片时,我被这两张照片所吸引,我认为你应该看到这两张:

Jason 一直在对 MSFS 的原生景深功能进行一些试验,因为它们与无人机相机相关——结果非常壮观。我可能需要将此作为我的新桌面壁纸。

这可能是过渡到为您提供一些有关 Microsoft Flight Simulator 的新 PMDG 737-700 附带的声音包信息的绝妙方式。Armen 一直在努力为这架飞机创造一个复杂、丰富和令人难以置信的声音景观,就像 MSFS 在视觉上一样。Microsoft Flight Simulator 引擎创建完整的声音环境的能力不同于我们每个人都有机会使用的任何东西,而 Armen 确实应运而生。

总而言之,这架 737 正在成为一件令人惊叹的事情——我们为我们所做的工作感到无比自豪,并且非常兴奋地将它交给您以供您享用。Vin 和 Jason 凭借多年的专业知识创造了一个令人难以置信的细节和视觉刺激的飞机模型,当与 Armen 的声音作品结合时,我们认为您将获得令人难以置信的享受。
我有一整天的内容编辑工作,所以是时候睡一觉了。明天见,我们会提供更多产品信息和一些 YouTube 乐趣!
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发表于 2022-4-18 09:54:45 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2022-4-18 12:58:11 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2022-4-18 14:29:42 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2022-4-18 16:16:07 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2022-4-18 17:06:24 | 显示全部楼层
看到一大堆anticipate,看得俺脑壳儿都疼了。assume不assume,非要anticipate,不是英美系出身? [17APR22] PMDG 737 for MSFS: Developer Update - A bit of depth for today... D...-8001
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发表于 2022-4-18 19:55:07 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2022-4-19 16:05:45 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2022-4-21 15:12:56 | 显示全部楼层
自我感觉2020做的越来越完善了,XP优势好像。。。。(不喜勿喷)[17APR22] PMDG 737 for MSFS: Developer Update - A bit of depth for today... D...-1211
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