Microsoft Flight Simulator is the next generation of one of the most beloved simulation franchises. From light planes to wide-body jets, fly highly detailed and stunning aircraft in an incredibly realistic world. Create your flight plan and fly anywhere on the planet. Enjoy flying day or night and face realistic, challenging weather conditions.
Available 2020
在地面上试玩了《微软模拟飞行器》后,我们搭上了一架货真价实的塞斯纳172S 飞机,在工作人员的陪伴下在西雅图上空飞了一会儿。没什么体验比搭上刚试玩的飞机更能让我感受到游戏里所营造的拟真感了。游戏中的座舱与现实中的飞机完全一样。只是游戏中的机场上少了现实中停放的波音 737 客机。
在飞行活动的尾声,工作人员将飞机的控制权交到了我的手上,这一刻,模拟变为了现实。我们试玩中所用到的设备是赛钛客 YOKE 飞行摇杆,虽然与飞机的实际摇杆有些区别,但我仍能用同样的技巧来操纵现实中的飞机升降盘旋。在《微软模拟飞行器》中试玩的体验,为我实际上天开飞机提供了绝佳的练手机会。
《微软模拟飞行器》是我在 PC 上游玩过的最令人惊奇的游戏,非常好奇 Xbox One 版本会是个什么样。这也是主机玩家首次得以接触这款传奇飞行模拟游戏。作为一款微软独占的第一方作品,PC 玩家可以通过订阅 PC 版 Xbox Game Pass 第一时间游玩这款游戏。个人而言, 我等不及实际玩上这款游戏,去探访世界各地那些我从未造访的地方,去磨练自己驾驶不同飞机的技巧,更重要的是,能够在自己家里舒适地体验飞行的乐趣。
1:We are making Microsoft Flight Simulator. Emphasis on the word SIMULATOR.
2: Designed for PC, optimized for multiplatform support (e.g. Xbox).
3:Yes. We are supporting 3rd Party Content Development and Community Content creation. We are aware of the concerns in the current eco-system and are working to address them.
4: Yes. We genuinely want to work closely with the community in the development of this title.
5: Accessibility is important to us. Whatever your abilities are, if you want to fly, we are going to do whatever we can to make that happen. Yoke and pedals, mouse and keyboard, controller, etc. No pilot should be left behind.”