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[Christopher Lum]飞行器六自由度非线性模型的建立

发表于 2022-9-29 08:43:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFFAL9lI2IQ 转载自https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFFAL9lI2IQ. 这个老师讲的非常清楚,适合初学者学习,后续还会继续搬运其他飞行器模型建立、线性化处理以及与flightgear联合仿真等方面的视频。 也希望觉得有用的同学翻墙取老师哪里看看其他的^^ 如有侵权请联系删除。

发表于 2022-9-29 08:48:00 | 显示全部楼层
Topics and timestamps:
0:00 – Introduction to the RCAM model
6:48 – Step 1: Control limits/saturation
11:22 – Step 2: Intermediate variables
23:14 – Step 3: Nondimensional aerodynamic force coefficients in Fs
1:00:24 – Step 4: Aerodynamic force in Fb
1:03:31 – Step 5: Nondimensional aerodynamic moment coefficients about AC in Fb
1:14:12 – Step 6: Aerodynamic moment about AC in Fb
1:16:21 – Step 7: Aerodynamic moment about CG in Fb
1:22:41 – Step 8: Propulsion effects
1:31:08 – Step 9: Gravity effects
1:36:15 – Step 10: Explicit first order form

(38:45) – This is improperly written as +11.5 deg, it should be -11.5 deg
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