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2人扒飞机坠亡?视频是真的…… | 纽约时报

发表于 2023-1-16 20:55:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
“阿富汗人躲美军机起落架舱后掉落”视频流传,有机场雇员称“是真的”昨天,喀布尔国际机场“大逃亡”的混乱与惨状,再次震惊国际舆论。阿富汗民众扒美国军机起飞逃离,有人坠机身亡。塔利班8月15日进入阿富汗首都喀布尔后,数百名阿富汗民众挤在喀布尔国际机场企图离开阿富汗。社交媒体16日流传的一段视频显示,一架美军C-17运输机在喀布尔机场起飞后,有2个黑影从飞机上落下。事后有网友称,这是有阿富汗人躲进了美军运输机的起落架舱,当飞机起飞收起起落架后,他们不幸掉了下来。16日,身在喀布尔的中国人张先生(化名)告诉记者,他最初也怀疑视频是假的,但有当时在喀布尔机场附近的当地雇员告诉他,“视频是真的”。但事发过程他并不清楚。据海外网报道,阿富汗第一大新闻社阿斯瓦卡通讯社(@AsvakaNews)发布消息称, “两个人从一架自喀布尔机场起飞的飞机上掉落至居民家中”,确认“当地人找到了从C-17飞机上掉落的人的遗体”。此外,阿富汗阿斯瓦卡通讯社还发布视频称:两架美国阿帕奇武装直升机驱赶着喀布尔机场上的人群,后边是即将起飞的美国C-17运输机。阿富汗难民们“簇拥”着飞机跑,不少人还爬上了机身。该通讯社配文称“不是好莱坞的场景,只是喀布尔机场”。


2人扒飞机坠亡?视频是真的…… | 纽约时报-2000

The Air Force acknowledged on Tuesday that human body parts were found in the wheel well of an American military C-17 cargo plane that took flight amid chaos at Hamid Karzai International Airport in Afghanistan’s capital, Kabul.


Air Force officials have not said how many people died in the episode on Monday, but said the service was investigating “the loss of civilian lives” as a crowd of Afghans, desperate to escape the country after their government collapsed to the Taliban, climbed onto the plane’s wings and fell from the sky after it took off.


Harrowing video of the episode, recorded by the Afghan news media, has circulated around the world, instantly making the horrific scene — of American military might flying away as Afghans hung on against all hope — a symbol of President Biden’s retreat from Afghanistan.


第一,学习flight的熟词僻义。这个词作不可数名词,还可以表示when something flies through the air,飞行,飞翔。常用搭配为in flight,例:pelicans in flight 展翅飞翔的鹈鹕。此外,我们也可以积累动宾搭配take flight,表示begin flying,起飞,例:In 1968, the first supersonic airliner took flight (= began flying). 1968年,首架超音速客机飞上天空。

第二,学习episode的用法。这个词作可数名词,除了表示我们看电视剧的一集外,还可以表示an event or a short period of time during which something happens,一段经历;一段时期,例:She decided she would try to forget the episode by the lake. 她决心尽量忘掉湖边的那次经历。

第三,学习hope against hope的用法。这里的第一个hope是动词,第二个hope是名词,表示“抱有一丝希望”,例:I rang my parents, hoping against hope (= hoping for something that is very unlikely to happen or be true) that they hadn’t left yet. 我给父母打电话,抱着一丝希望,但愿他们还没走。

“We are all contending with a human cost to these developments,” Jake Sullivan, the national security adviser, said at a briefing on Tuesday.

“我们都在努力应对这些事态发展导致的人道损失,”国家安全顾问杰克·沙利文(Jake Sullivan)在周二的简报会上表示。

“The images from the past couple of days at the airport have been heartbreaking,” said Mr. Sullivan, the first cabinet-level administration official to take questions from reporters since the Taliban took control of Kabul on Sunday.


On Monday morning, the number of people at the airport clamoring to get onto flightshad swelled. The crew members feared for their safety, jumped back up into the plane and pulled up the loading ramp before they had finished unloading, officials said.


By then, throngs of Afghans had climbed aboard the wings of the plane and, unbeknown to the crew, officials said, into the wheel well into which the landing gear would fold after takeoff.


第一,学习contend with sth的用法。这个动词短语表示to have to deal with something difficult or unpleasant,必须处理,不得不应付〔困难、窘境〕,同义词为cope with,例:The rescue team also had bad weather conditions to contend with. 营救小组还得应付恶劣的天气情况。

第二,学习clamor的用法。这个词在英式英语中也写作clamour,表示to demand something loudly,大声要求,其后常接介词for或者不定式,例:The audience cheered, clamoring for more.观众欢呼叫好,吵着要求再来一曲。All his friends were clamouring to know where he’d been. 所有的朋友都吵着问他去了哪里。

第三,学习throng的用法。这个词作可数名词,表示a large group of people in one place,一大群人;人群,例:a throng of excited spectators 一大群兴奋的观众

The crew contacted air traffic control, operated by U.S. military personnel, and the plane was cleared for takeoff, after spending only minutes on the ground.


Mindful of the people hanging onto the plane, the pilots taxied slowly at first. Military Humvees rushed alongside trying to chase people away and off the plane. Two Apache helicopter gunships flew low, seeking to scare some people away from the plane or push them off with their powerful rotor wash.


Minutes later, however, the pilot and co-pilot realized they had a serious problem: The landing gear would not fully retract. They sent one of the crew members down to peer through a small porthole that allows them to view potential problems in the wheel well while aloft.


It was then the crew saw the remains of an undetermined number of Afghans who had stowed away in the wheel well — apparently crushed by the landing gear. Scenes captured in videos of the flight showed other people plunging to their death.


第一,学习clear的熟词僻义。这个词作及物动词,可表示to give or get official permission for something to be done,批准;使得到……的许可,例:He was cleared by doctors to resume skating in August. 他得到医生许可,8月份重新开始滑冰。

第二,学习taxi的熟词僻义。这个词作不及物动词,可表示if a plane taxis, it moves along the ground before taking off or after landing,〔飞机起飞前或着陆后〕滑行,例:The plane taxied to a halt. 飞机滑行一段距离后停下来。

第三,学习aloft的用法。这个词作副词,表示high up in the air,在高处,在空中,常用搭配为hold / bear sth aloft,例:He emerged, holding a baby aloft. 他高举着一个小宝宝出现了。

第四,学习stow away的用法。这个词组表示to hide on a vehicle in order to travel secretly or without paying,无票偷乘,例:A boy was caught trying to stow away on a plane. 一个男孩试图逃票乘飞机被抓住。
外刊文章来源,2021年8月18日,纽约时报,Body Parts Found in Landing Gear of Flight From Kabul, Officials Say

2人扒飞机坠亡?视频是真的…… | 纽约时报-3376

2人扒飞机坠亡?视频是真的…… | 纽约时报-8166
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