好景不长,0点半,另一飞机反映内侧襟翼整流罩上方三角形盖板缺失一颗螺栓。SRM难查,毕竟编排还算有规律,但在IPC里找寻一块不常动的盖板,却有如大海捞针。好在曾当过N次区域工卡的教员,对飞机区域划分/编号和盖板的编号原则还算熟悉,于是到AMM06章中找到06-44-00:Finding an Access Door or Panel on the Wings
再打开工卡系统,找到该工卡。除在工卡附图上更加确认了盖板定位外,还通过英文标题THE L WING REAR SPAR TO LANDING GEAR SUPPORT BEAM,大概联想IPC的相应位置,57-15是LANDING GEAR SUPPORT BEAM(起落架支撑梁),依然没有盖板;但也不是一无所获,缩小了搜索范围。
31日白班看到波音回复:Boeing has reviewed the Ref/A/ message and provides the following response:
The panel and missing fastener are located in a fire zone as defined by 14 CFR 25.867 and therefore all fasteners (P/N: BACB30NN3K10 in this case) in panel 651EB are required for revenue flight dispatch.
However, Boeing can review for possibility of installing an alternate fastener at subject location. Please provide list of available fasteners that can fill the hole (blind fasteners, screws, bolts). If accessible, please provide the condition of the nut plate at subject location.