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Fresh Start: Podcast News (3/10/2020 Tue.)

发表于 2024-4-4 13:22:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Welcome to Fresh Start.This is People’s Daily app.Here are today’s picks from our editors.

China issues contingency plan against locust threat

Fresh Start: Podcast News (3/10/2020 Tue.)-350
China on Monday unveiled its contingency plan to monitor and control the spread of locusts from home and abroad to secure grain production and ecological safety.The plan clarified the goal of locust control, which is to ensure that desert locusts from abroad will not cause harm and domestic locust outbreaks will not turn into a plague, with no more than 5 percent of crops affected.Local authorities are urged to prevent the invasion of desert locusts from abroad. The plan requires monitoring stations be set up in Tibet, Yunnan, and Xinjiang on potential migration routes of the destructive pests.To control locusts in domestic agricultural areas, chemical methods will be adopted for areas with a high pest density, while medium- or low-density areas will use biological and ecological control methods, the plan noted. (Xinhua)中国制定预案应对境内外蝗虫威胁中国多部门近日联合制定印发《沙漠蝗及国内蝗虫监测防控预案》,旨在有效保障国内粮食生产和生态安全。预案明确了境内外蝗虫防治目标,即努力确保境外沙漠蝗不迁入造成危害,努力确保国内蝗虫不暴发成灾,并将总体危害损失率控制在5%以内。关于国外沙漠蝗监测防控,预案要求在云南、西藏、新疆等可能迁入区布点监测虫情,及时预警。关于国内农区蝗虫监测防控,预案提出对高密度发生区实施化学应急防治,对中低密度发生区实施生物防治和生态控制。

Iran temporarily releases some 70,000 prisoners due to COVID-19
Fresh Start: Podcast News (3/10/2020 Tue.)-9093
Iran has temporarily released 70,000 prisoners due to the COVID-19 outbreak, Tasnim News Agency reported, citing Iranian judiciary chief Ebrahim Raisi on Monday."Prisoners with underlying medical conditions would be given priority for release," said Raisi.So far, the death toll from the COVID-19 outbreak in Iran has reached 237. (CGTN)为防范疫情 伊朗司法部称已临时释放约7万名囚犯伊朗塔斯尼姆通讯社3月9日报道,伊朗司法部长赖伊西称,作为新冠肺炎疫情预防措施的一部分,全国法院已批准释放大约70000名囚犯。赖伊西称,患有潜在疾病的囚犯应优先被释放。截至目前,伊朗国内死于冠状病毒的人数已达237人。

Boeing pilot training on 737 MAX 'inadequate': Ethiopia crash report
Fresh Start: Podcast News (3/10/2020 Tue.)-152
Ethiopia's probe of last year's Ethiopian Airlines crash found that Boeing did not provide sufficient pilot training for the 737 MAX and that crucial flight software was flawed, according to an interim report published Monday.The crash of the Nairobi-bound Boeing 737 MAX six minutes after takeoff on March 10, 2019, killed all 157 people on board, triggering the global grounding of the MAX and the worst crisis in Boeing's history.The new interim report published Monday says that the design of the anti-stall flight system "made it vulnerable to undesirable activation.”  Specifically, the report points to the fact that the system could be activated by a single angle-of-attack sensor reading. (AFP)埃塞航空坠机事故新调查结果:波音对飞行员培训不到位埃塞俄比亚交通部3月9日公布埃塞航空客机空难事故中期调查报告。该报告指出,波音公司没有为波音737 MAX客机的驾驶员提供足够的培训,且该型客机的关键飞控软件存在缺陷。2019年3月10日,由埃塞俄比亚飞往肯尼亚首都内罗毕的埃塞航空ET302次客机在起飞6分钟后坠毁,机上157人全部丧生。坠机事故发生后,多个国家的航空监管机构宣布将波音737 MAX机型停飞,引发波音公司历史上最大的危机事件。报告表示,失事机型的防失速飞控软件的设计容易触发错误指令,甚至来自单个攻角传感器的读数都可以导致防失速系统被错误激活。

UK police shoot knife-wielding man dead in London
Fresh Start: Podcast News (3/10/2020 Tue.)-6919
British police say they have shot dead a man who was brandishing two knives near Trafalgar Square in Central London.The Metropolitan Police force said Monday the shooting wasn't terror related.The force said officers patrolling the area saw a man acting suspiciously late Sunday. When challenged, he produced two knives and was shot, the force said.Most British police don't carry firearms, but the area around Parliament is often patrolled by armed officers. (AP)英国伦敦警方击毙一名挥刀男子英国警方3月8日深夜在大伦敦地区中部的特拉法尔加广场击毙一名持刀男子,警方称这名嫌疑人朝警察挥舞双刀。警方表示,此次事件与恐怖主义无关。伦敦警方说,8日夜间有警员在巡视过程中发现一可疑男子。当警员上前询问时,该男子突然掏出两把刀,警员随即开枪将其击毙。虽然大部分英国警察平日并不配备枪支,但在英国议会所在地的警员则会配枪出巡。

Germany decides to host refugee children stranded in Greece
Fresh Start: Podcast News (3/10/2020 Tue.)-6974
Germany's governing parties of the conservative union (CDU/CSU) and the Social Democratic Party (SPD) decided to host children in need of protection from Greek refugee camps, the coalition committee announced on Monday.Greece should be "supported in the difficult humanitarian situation of about 1,000 to 1,500 children on the Greek islands," the coalition committee noted.According to the committee, these children were either in urgent need of treatment due to a serious illness or unaccompanied and younger than 14 years of age, most of them girls. (Xinhua)德国决定接纳入境希腊的难民儿童德国联合执政的联盟党和社会民主党3月9日发布联合声明称,愿意协助安置部分住在希腊难民营的儿童。联合声明说,如今安置在希腊各岛屿上的难民面临严峻的人道主义危机,尤其是其中的1000到1500名儿童。联合声明指出,上述儿童要么身染严重疾病急需治疗,要么是无人陪伴且未满14岁,其中大多数是女孩。

Railway line tracker killed by lion in Zimbabwe
Fresh Start: Podcast News (3/10/2020 Tue.)-9581
A railway line tracker was killed by a lion in Dete, Zimbabwe's Matebeleland North Province, an official confirmed Monday.Police and rangers from the Zimbabwe National Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (Zimparks) found the 43-year-old victim’s body last Thursday.There has been a spike in human-wildlife conflict in Zimbabwe, largely attributed to a growing human population that has led to diminishing natural habitats for wildlife. (Xinhua)津巴布韦铁路工人命丧狮口津巴布韦官员3月9日证实,该国马特贝莱兰北部省德特市日前发生狮子咬死铁路维护工人的事件。津巴布韦国家公园和野生动物管理局的警察和护林员于5日发现了43岁遇难者的遗体。近年来,津巴布韦国内屡屡发生居民和野生动物的冲突事件。这些冲突很大程度上可归咎于人类不断扩张领地,导致野生动物的栖息地不断缩小。

China to play ROK in June in Olympic women's football qualifier
Fresh Start: Podcast News (3/10/2020 Tue.)-1898

The Asian Football Confederation (AFC) on Monday announced the Olympic women's football qualifying tournament playoffs between China and South Korea will be postponed until June.The first leg is due to take place on June 4 in South Korea and the second leg on June 9 in China. Venues and kick-off times have not yet been announced.Originally, the playoffs were scheduled for early March but the COVID-19 in both countries has forced delays. (CGTN)中国女足6月奥预赛附加赛战韩国亚足联3月9日宣布,中国女足和韩国队的奥运会预选赛附加赛推迟至6月份举行。据悉,中国女足首先将于6月4日客场挑战韩国女足。第二场比赛将于6月9日在中国主场举行。至于比赛场地和开赛时间目前尚未公布。中韩女足之间的附加赛原定于3月初举行,但受新冠肺炎影响,比赛被迫延期。

Thanks for listening and be sure to catch us tomorrow.And now for the Question of the Day:Which sports do sisters Venus and Serena Williams play?(Answer: Tennis.)Today’s quote is from Greek Philosopher Thales (624 BC - 546 BC).     "Necessity is the strongest of things, for it rules everything."(Produced by Nancy Yan Xu, Ryan Yaoran Yu, Lance Crayon, and Elaine Yue Lin. Music by Eugene Loner.)


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