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报名 5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑

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报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-1103

CHINA ULTRA 100的第二场比赛将于2016年5月28日-29日在云南省普洱太阳河国家公园举行。比赛分为100公里和50公里两个组别,参赛人数限制在100人。其中100公里海拔累计爬升4832米,50公里海拔累计爬升2834米。参赛选手将在比赛中体验变化多样的赛道和地貌,品尝云南当地美食和享誉世界的普洱茶,居住在森林繁茂的度假酒店,和少数民族的兄弟姐妹在长桌宴上举杯畅饮, 载歌载舞。CHINA ULTRA 100普洱的赛事带给大家极致的美景,美食和民俗风情。


报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-6798


CHINA ULTRA 100 – Pu’er will take place in Pu’er, Yunnan Province on May 28 and 29, 2016. There are two categories - 50K and 100K, both of which lead competitors through the vast sub-tropical forest in Western China to the borders with Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar, where Chinese minorities and Han Chinese have lived together since ancient times. The course will take competitors through forests, tea fields, coffee plantations and villages - competitors will experience many different types of terrain, but mostly trails or dirt tracks. The total elevation gain is 4832M for the 100K and 2834M for the 50K.  Pu’er in Yunan is one of the most beautiful regions in China and the race goes through it at the end of dry season.

报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-819


赛事信息(Race Information)

主办机构 Race Organizer:

至远体育 OnWorldSports

报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-6654

极地长征 RacingThePlanet

报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-3310

云南湄公河集团 Yunnan Mekong Group

报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-233

协办机构 Assisting Organizer:

普洱太阳河国家森林公园 Pu’er Sun-River National Park

报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-9056

普洱小熊猫庄园 Pu’er Lesser Panda Manor Villa Resort Hotel

报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-9244

比赛日期(Race Dates):



比赛地点(Race Location):

CHINA ULTRA 100 – Pu’er 100/50 比赛将于普洱太阳河国家公园出发,沿途经过雨林,茶山,咖啡园,茶马古道,村落等多种地形和风景,赛道以90%以上的自然路面为主,回到普洱太阳河国家公园。整个赛事的最高点为海拔1700米,最低点海拔900米,平均海拔1300米左右,适宜参赛选手进行比赛。

Competitors will start the race from Pu’er Sun-River National park, going through rain forests, tea fields, coffee plantations, Delamu (Ancient Tea-Horse Road) and villages, then back to the finish in the National Park. 90% of the course are trails or dirt tracks. The highest point of the course is 1700 meters and lowest is 900 meters. The average altitude is around 1300 meters, which is perfect for the runners.

赛道信息(Course Information):

CHINA ULTRA 100是国际越野跑联合会ITRA的会员,我们的赛道信息正在由ITRA的工作人员进行审核和评估,希望能帮助参赛选手获得2017年UTMB及其它比赛的参赛积分。

CHINA ULTRA 100 is a member of ITRA and ITRA staff has been evaluating our course at the moment. We hope to get our competitors qualifying points for UTMB 2017 or other races.


The cut-off time for 50K is 16 hours.

报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-4789

报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-9622


The cut-off time for 100K is 30 hours.

报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-934

报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-6796

赛道风景(Course scene):

报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-411

报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-5122

报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-6996

报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-4534

报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-3893



Late May and Early June in Pu’er is the transition from the dry season to the rainy season. The highest temperature is expected to be around 28 degrees Celsius and the lowest at 18 degrees Celsius. A small amount of rain is possible and it can be cool at night up in the mountains.


报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-2226

参赛费用 (Registration Fee):

CHINA ULTRA 100普洱比赛两个组别分别仅限50个参赛名额

CHINA ULTRA 100 Pu’er race only has 50 entries in each category.

50K: USD 140.00 / CNY 780.00

100K:USD 220.00 / CNY 1,280.00


-CHINA ULTRA 100赛事及沿途补给饮品和风味美食



-太阳河国家公园门票 价值人民币150元

-民俗长桌宴及少数民族歌舞表演 价值人民币200元

-普洱三宝精美套装(茶, 咖啡和石斛花)价值人民币200元

-CHINA ULTRA 100定制T恤和完赛衫,价值人民币1000元

-Lifestraw 生命吸管,价值人民币199元

-Osprey 12L压缩袋,价值人民币140元


Registration includes:

-CHINA ULTRA 100 Checkpoints food and drinks, we will provide local famous food and beverages besides as well as traditional race food


-Finisher’s medal

-Sun-River National Park Entrance

-Local Long table dinner with performances

-Pu’er three-treasure set (tea, coffee and Dendrobe flower)

-CHINA ULTRA 100 race shirt

-CHINA ULTRA 100 finisher jacket


-Osprey 12L Compression bag

-LIHE+ Sports Ginger Essential Oil





The race entry does not include:


-Accommodations before and after the race

-Other items not mentioned above

奖项设置 (Awards):



Competitors who finish the race before the cut-off time will get a finisher’s medal and finisher jacket.

The Top 3 of men and women in each category will be given special awards.

参赛条件 (Registration Requirements):


You are required to be at least 18 years old. You also need to be an experienced runner or hiker and should be sufficiently trained to undertake the race. You are also responsible for your own health condition to decide to enter the race.




14:00-19:30 赛事签到及装备检查

20:00-22:00 长桌晚宴及歌舞表演


5:00-5:45 赛事签到及装备检查;存包

5:45-5:55 赛事讲解

6:00 出发

22:00 50K结束


12:00 100K结束


May 27, 2016 Fri.

14:00-19:30 Gear Check

20:00-22:00 Welcome Long Table Dinner and Traditional Dance

May 28, 2016 Sat.

5:00-5:45 Gear Check-Drop Bag check in

5:45-5:55 Race Briefing

6:00 Race Start

22:00 50K Finish

May 29, 2016 Sun.

12:00 100K Finish



-Osprey 12L压缩袋 – “背上激情,踏上征途”

报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-4663

-Lifestraw吸管 -“为了生命而来”

报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-9296

-LIHE+运动防护生姜精油(CHINA ULTRA 100定制版)


报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-593


报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-9055


1. 参赛选手必须完全沿着赛道标记前进。严禁抄近路。

2. 除紧急情况外,参赛选手不能在检查站外的其它任何地方接受补给和支援。

3. 比赛进行时,参赛选手必须全程携带所有的强制装备。赛事期间会有随机装备抽查。不携带必备装备将会遭受惩罚。

4. 检查站的所有补给仅供参赛选手使用。

5. 号码簿必须全程置于衣服前端外侧,醒目可见。

6. 参赛选手中途退赛必须通知赛事工作人员,并在最近的检查点签署退赛表格(在赛道上接受赛事救援,身体条件无法到检查站的参赛选手除外)。

7. 若参赛选手在赛道上需要急救,请务必联系赛事工作人员。

8. 在关门时间前不能到达检查站将会被剥夺继续比赛资格。

9. 参赛选手必须遵循“不留痕迹”的户外运动准则。

10. 参赛选手需为其家人和朋友的行为负责。参赛选手的家人与朋友需遵守检查站工作人员的安排。若其家人朋友有违反赛事规则的行为,选手将会受罚或直接剥夺参赛资格。必须遵循所有检查站工作人员的指示,包括为检查站空出特定区域的要求。赛事组委会不负责其安全问题。

11. 确保自身与他人的安全。照顾其他赛道使用者。横穿马路或在马路上跑步时注意安全。

12. 请帮助受伤或状况不好的参赛选手。赛事组委会非常愿意为您在完赛时间中减去您帮助其他有需要的参赛选手的时间。

13. 赛事组委会强烈建议参赛选手自身有人身保险保障。

14. 赛事组委会保留在适宜情况下对赛事规则、赛道或其它安排作出调整的权利。

15. 任何此处未提及的规则均有CHINA ULTRA 100赛事组委会把控。

Rules and Regulations:

1.Competitors must follow the course markers at all times. Short cuts are strictly prohibited.

2. Competitors can not take any food and support outside the checkpoints except in an emergency.

3.Competitors must carry the mandatory gear items at all times during the race. Random gear checks may be performed during the race. Failures to have any mandatory gear items will result in a penalty.

4.Refreshments at the checkpoints are served for competitors only.

5.Bib numbers must be visible at all times on the outside of clothing on your front.

6.If you withdraw from the race, you must inform event staff and sign the release form at the closest checkpoint (unless assisted from the course by the event staff).

7.If you need any first aid help on the course you must contact the event staff.

8.Failure to arrive at each checkpoint and the finish line before the cut-off times will result in disqualifications from the race.

9.Competitors must follow the outdoor ethics of LEAVE NO TRACE.

10.Competitors must be responsible for the actions of their family and friends. Family and friends of the competitors must comply with all instructions from all checkpoint staff. The competitor may be penalized or disqualified for actions or breaches of the rules by their family and friends. They must follow the instructions of all checkpoints staff including requests to vacate certain sections of the checkpoint area. The event organizers are not responsible for the safety of supporters.

11.Ensure your own safety and that of others. Be considerate of other trail and road users at all times. Take great care when crossing or running on roads.

12.If another runner is injured or in distress, please assist. The event organizer will gladly deduct from your finishing time any time spent assisting an injured or distressed fellow competitor.

13.We highly recommend that competitors have their own insurance cover.

14.The event organizers reserve the right to make changes to the event rules and requirements, course and/or other arrangements, as they deem appropriate.

15.Any rule that is not mentioned here will be controlled by the decision of CHINA ULTRA 100organizing team.

交通 (Transportations):


There are following ways to get to Pu’er :




Flight: to Kunming/Chengdu and then take a short transit flight or bus to Pu’er

-Most of Chinese cities including Hong Kong have direct flights to Kunming and competitors can transit to a short flight to Pu’er.

昆明到达普洱的航班号如下(Kunming to Pu’er flights daily)

报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-5349

There is also a non-daily direct flight from Chengdu to Pu’er.

-Another easy option is to fly to Jinghong Airport, Xishuangbanna, which is about 1.5 hour drive to the race start. There are direct flights from Beijing, Hangzhou, Hong Kong and other cities to Jinghong.



Bus: Kunming -Pu’er

-There are bus services at Kunming South Bus Terminal to Pu’er from 7:40AM to 10PM, every 30 minutes. The total travel time is around 6 hours and it costs about 190 RMB.



Our local partner - Pu’er Lesser Panda Manor Villa Resort Hotel is located at the start and finish of the race. They provide beautiful and eco-friendly hotel rooms and food at a special rate for CHINA ULTRA 100 competitors. For any further information, please contact them directly.

报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-2791

报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-4981





少数民族文化(Chinese minorities):普洱居住着汉、哈尼、彝、拉祜、佤、傣等14个世居民族,少数民族人口占61%。原生态民族文化和民风民俗原始而神秘、古朴而奇异;佤族木鼓节、拉祜族葫芦节、彝族火把节、傣族泼水节等民族传统节日传承千年、独具魅力。

报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-8516

长桌宴(The traditional long table dinner),是云南多个地州与民族的习俗,是一个祈福的宴席。因为能同时容纳几十上百甚至上千人同时落座进餐,且桌桌相连从街头摆至巷尾而得名。无论性别年龄、民族肤色,甚至不同国度的人,从四面八方赶来,带着美好的愿望,品味民族特色美食的同时,也可以感受到热情好客、丰富浓郁的民族风情。尤其是“龙头”唱到“龙尾”的敬酒歌响起,整个长桌宴达到高潮,宾客更能领略到其乐融融的友善与包容。


报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-6136

报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-9981

赛包寄存(Drop Bag):


All competitors can leave one bag at the start line that they can pick up at the finish line of the race.

100K competitors can also have a drop bag. This drop bag can be access at CP7.

CHINA ULTRA 100 is NOT responsible for anything valuable broken or lost.


1. 本次赛事在赛道补给点上提供医疗急救包,若身体不适,请及时告知告知赛事工作人员;

2. 如在参赛中身体出现不适,可及时联络沿途工作人员。建议选手携带手机,有紧急医疗需要可以联络医护车。

3. 本次购买保险为公共意外险,对于参赛者自身疾患引起之病症不在承保范围内,而公共意外险只承保因意外所受之伤害做理赔,建议各位选手购买适当的意外险。

Medical and Insurance:

1. CHINA ULTRA 100 has medical volunteers available at designated checkpoints where competitors can receive basic medical assistant.

2. If competitors feel uncomfortable or have any medical issues during the race, please stop and make a contact with race staff, we will help you get evacuated to the nearest checkpoint, or hospital if necessary.

3. CHINA ULTRA 100 provides competitors insurance but we highly recommend competitors to have their own insurance as well.


1. 背包

2. 总容积不低于1L的水袋或者水壶

3. 越野跑鞋

4. 参赛服装

5. 防风保暖外套

6. 紧急救生毯 (可于赛事签到现场购买)

7. 能量补给食品(我们将于补给站提供饮食,但建议选手携带自己喜欢或习惯的能量补给)

8. 电解质

9. 手机

10. 头灯

11. 红色应急闪灯(可于赛事签到现场购买)

Mandatory Gear List

1. Race backpack

2. Hydration system to carry at least 1L of water (water bladder or water bottles)

3. Running shoes

4. Race clothes

5. Warm jacket (100K only) will keep you warm during the night, and lightweight down jacket or fleece jacket is recommended.

6. Survival blanket. (Available for purchase at check in)

7. Snacks or nutrition supports.

8. Electrolytes.

9. Mobile phone.

10. Whistle.

11. A headlamp with batteries.

12. Red flashing light (Available for purchase at check in)












-Warm Hat


-Waterproof jacket



-Trekking Poles



关于我们(About Us):

CHINA ULTRA 100是由至远体育OnWorldSports创立和管理品牌,是极地长征RacingThePlanet/4 Deserts在中国大陆唯一的独家合作伙伴和机构。

CHINA ULTRA 100 is a trail running race series founded and organized by OnWorldSports and partnered with RacingThePlanet and 4 Deserts.

报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-814


报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-6528

报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-2859

报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-8394

报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-132

报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-2492

报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-828

报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-6515

报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-5309

报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-2105


精彩回顾(2015年CHINA ULTRA 100-杭州)

报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-2454

报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-5236

报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-7741

报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-4360

报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-9035

报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-9868

报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-4852

报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-4639

报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-226

报名  5月28~29日 CHINA ULTRA 100 - 普洱 50/100 开放报名,小而美热带雨林巅峰越野跑-8301





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