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发表于 2024-5-9 15:26:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式




Following the installation of the F-16 nonlinear model, run the main file to load signals and parameters to the base workspace.

Simulink model pilot input subsystem has two modes: joystick input from the joystick device and manual inputs with knobs. Variant subsystem is designed to switch between these two options.

Simulink model visualization subsystem has two modes: flightgear and scopes. Variant subsystem is designed to switch between these two options.

To see the aircraft attitudes and positions download the FlightGear software and generate a run script following these instructions as described also in Flightgear subsystem in the Simulink model:

    Install FlightGear.

    Open 'Generate Run Script'.

    On the FlightGear tab type your aircraft model name in 'FlightGear geometry model name'.

      Recommended model: 'c172p' as FlightGear installes it by default.

      Additional aircrafts can be downloaded then.

    On the File tab type FlightGear base directory.

    Click Generate Script.

    Run generated script in Command Prompt (Windows) or in Terminal (Linux/macOS).


https://url92.ctfile.com/f/1850492-976834258-cc4891?p=3660 (访问密码: 3660)

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