It's hard to settle for a mediocre life after staring into the lava of a crater.
via 火山挚恋Fire of Love
林贾尼火山对于Trek n Track有特别的意义:六年前,我在这里折腾掉半条命后,却由此开启了一扇通往户外徒步的新大门。后来的几年我和Shine一起徒步过喷发蓝色火焰的宜珍火山和最像月球表面的布罗莫火山,但“我会永远记住这个时刻我真的活过”的感受闭上眼似乎都还是能回溯到在登顶林贾尼前最后那个绝望坡时被击中的那个时刻——昼夜交替的时刻,霞曦、云海和火山岩雾,变幻出壮阔卓绝的风景,而在绝对强势的自然面前,我们才得以看清自己的渺小。六年后,Shine像奔赴一个我们之间无言的约定般奔赴林贾尼火山,然后我们又决定带大家再走一趟这个行程,这件事如同一个插在岸上的坐标,回头一望,才发现原来我们并非原地打转,而是已经扬帆远航。这是一趟绝对会让人终身难忘的旅行,上有“身体下地狱,眼睛上天堂”的火山徒步,下有与世隔绝的火山群岛浮潜,一次解锁火山和海岛,人生如梦,旅行是梦中之梦。(Yika)
Mount Rinjani means a lot to Trek n Track. It is where I started my first real hiking experince 6 years ago. Over the next years, we have also visited Mount Ijen with the stunning turquoise-hued caldera lake and Mount Bromo compared to the surface of the moon. These volcanoes shape not only Indonesia's landscape, but also its beliefs and culture. But those completely and utterly captivating moments were made in Mount Rinjani and I came out of there feeling stronger. Six years later, Shine also went to Mount Rinjani and we decided to make it a trip for you. This will be a once-in-a-life-time trip that you'll experince the exhausting but rewarding volcano trek as well as exploring the underwater world of the Gili Islands. Each trip has its own message and meaning that each person must discover and answer for themselves. (Yika)