- 2892
- 注册时间
- 2014-3-10
- 在线时间
- 小时
- 最后登录
- 1970-1-1
- 精华
- 阅读权限
- 80
- 听众
- 收听
module(..., package.seeall);
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- >8 -- -- -- -- --
-- FlyWithLua XSquawkBox library V1.0 build 2012-10-03
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- This library sets all basic XSB DataRefs, use it to name them equal in different scripts
-- For more info how to use them, please read the official XSquawkBox developer manual.
-- Usage: Instead of defining the DataRefs, just insert a line >>require("XSquawkBox")<<
-- -- -- -- 8< -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- info about XSB
dataref("XSB_VERS_NUMBER", "xsquawkbox/vers/number", "readonly") -- int, 100 = 1.0
dataref("XSB_VERS_STRING", "xsquawkbox/vers/string", "readonly", 0) -- string, e.g. 1.0b4
-- DataRefs used for connecting to the VATSIM server
dataref("XSB_CON_CALLSIGN", "xsquawkbox/login/callsign", "writable", 0) -- string
dataref("XSB_CON_SERVER", "xsquawkbox/login/server", "writable", 0) -- string (DNS address or IP as string
dataref("XSB_CON_PORT", "xsquawkbox/login/port", "writable") -- int
dataref("XSB_CON_PILOT_ID", "xsquawkbox/login/pilot_id", "writable", 0) -- string
dataref("XSB_CON_PASSWORD", "xsquawkbox/login/password", "writable", 0) -- string
dataref("XSB_CON_REALNAME", "xsquawkbox/login/realname", "writable", 0) -- string
dataref("XSB_CON_MODEL", "xsquawkbox/login/model", "writable", 0) -- string
dataref("XSB_CON_STATUS", "xsquawkbox/login/status", "readonly") -- int, 0 = disconnected, 1 = connecting, 2 = connected, NOT WRITABLE
-- your flightplan, remember that an integer is not a char!
dataref("XSB_FP_FLIGHT_TYPE", "xsquawkbox/fp/flight_type", "writable") -- int, either I, V, D, or S
dataref("XSB_FP_TCAS_TYPE", "xsquawkbox/fp/tcas_type", "writable") -- int, T, H, B, L, or 0
dataref("XSB_FP_NAV_TYPE", "xsquawkbox/fp/nav_type", "writable") -- int, F, G, R, A, etc.
dataref("XSB_FP_SPEED", "xsquawkbox/fp/speed", "writable") -- int, knots
dataref("XSB_FP_DEPARTURE_AIRPORT", "xsquawkbox/fp/departure_airport", "writable", 0) -- string, ICAO code
dataref("XSB_FP_DEPARTURE_TIME", "xsquawkbox/fp/departure_time", "writable") -- int, zulu time, e.g. 1340 = 13:40
dataref("XSB_FP_DEPARTURE_TIME_ACTUAL", "xsquawkbox/fp/departure_time_actual", "writable") -- int, zulu time
dataref("XSB_FP_CRUISE_ALTITUDE", "xsquawkbox/fp/cruise_altitude", "writable", 0) -- string, either FLxxx or yyyyy
dataref("XSB_FP_ARRIVAL_AIRPORT", "xsquawkbox/fp/arrival_airport", "writable", 0) -- string, ICAO code
dataref("XSB_FP_ENROUTE_HRS", "xsquawkbox/fp/enroute_hrs", "writable") -- int, hrs
dataref("XSB_FP_ENROUTE_MINS", "xsquawkbox/fp/enroute_mins", "writable") -- int, mins
dataref("XSB_FP_FUEL_HRS", "xsquawkbox/fp/fuel_hrs", "writable") -- int, hrs
dataref("XSB_FP_FUEL_MINS", "xsquawkbox/fp/fuel_mins", "writable") -- int, mins
dataref("XSB_FP_ALTERNATE_AIRPORT", "xsquawkbox/fp/alternate_airport", "writable", 0) -- string, ICAO code
dataref("XSB_FP_REMARKS", "xsquawkbox/fp/remarks", "writable", 0) -- string
dataref("XSB_FP_ROUTE", "xsquawkbox/fp/route", "writable", 0) -- string
dataref("XSB_MIC_OPEN", "xsquawkbox/mic/open", "readonly") -- int, 1 if the mic is open right now, NOT WRITABLE
dataref("XSB_MIC_ENABLED", "xsquawkbox/mic/enabled", "writable") -- int, 0 to mute mic, 1 to let XSB decide, 2 to force open 请大神们指教!谢谢!