chris bell designs的虚拟地球(virtual-earth)项目,现在估计北美的已经快出了,是基于卫星的LOD15精度的地景,房子 树的位置都是基于真实数据的,先出北美然后欧洲,我联系过是否考虑亚洲项目,但是他们需要有稳定的PR源,,我搞不懂这个是什么,各位论坛的大神们不知道有没有搞得明白的,可以联系他们,下面是回复的原文
the main issue with ASIA regions is PR availability atm,
once we can get our hands on a good PR we can basically extrapolate every object that we see on it,
our technology is detection based due to lack of data in many areas we detect most feature from the actual imagery,
so we dont even need much of the vector data; just a stable PR source we can work on detecting features from,
if you come across a stable source please pm me so we can look into it