本帖最后由 ShaneMontoya 于 2015-11-14 22:49 编辑
Release Thoughts
As we near our 5th year of development work on the 737, even we have to ask ourselves, when willthis get done? why is it taking so long? is it even worth it? 我们在737C的开发上已经进入了第五个年头。我们自己问自己,这个项目什么时候完成?为什么会花那么长的时间?这值得吗?
Clearly we do not know the answer to the first question. We do have "signs" though about how far along we are and I think the team agree we are 'pretty close'. As to why it has taken so long, if we knew it would take this long beforehand, we might not have even begun working on it; however, seeing where we are today though and where the state of airliner simulation is for x-plane and even flight simulation in general, we are very glad that we are still at it and are taking the path that we are taking. 很明显我们也不知道如何回答第一个问题。我们确实有我们的制作进度阶段,我也觉得我们都认同“我们终于要做完这737C”了。至于为何整个的制作过程会持续这么长的时间——如果我们当初知道会耗费那么久,我们可能也不会开始这个项目。尽管如此,当我们看到今天我们取得的成果以及X-Plane对民航飞机的模拟程度、甚至是整个模拟飞行的业态时,我们很高兴我们依然在坚持我们的项目,并且会继续下去。
Because our small team have been flight simulation enthusiasts for a good while, we are obviously 'up to speed' with the state of airliner simulation features. Even today, we are seeing folks asking for features that are not implemented in current products, products that have been out for many years. If you add the 'time on market' plus the development time, some products are more than 7 years old and still do not simulate features to the level we feel our product has today. 由于我们的小团队都是由模拟飞行的爱好者组成,我们会将目前模拟飞行的一些新特性添加进我们的产品中。哪怕到今天,我们依然看到爱好者会给各类模拟飞行产品提出尚未植入的功能,而有的模拟飞行产品甚至已经推出好几年了。考虑到产品的开发时间加上上市的时间,有的产品甚至已经有了将近7年的历史,而他们依然没有更新,也不会达到我们产品所拥有的特性。
We, like other developer teams, face the conundrum of balancing development time vs. cash flow. If we have no cash flow to support the development time, then we have limited options. One is to 'short sale' the product in an incomplete state to generate cash flow, but such a tactic has a few consequences. One consequenceis that you can rush the architectural phase and develop something that you cannot update easily, and once the cash starts flowing, then the incentive to improve a particular product goes away. It is very common to see developers develop products with a rapid turn-around to keep the cash flow going from the'newness' of a product, much like a drug habit (or so we hear!). Also, a'de-featured' product tends to grow old quickly with the user base and doesn't provide the long-term satisfaction we are wanting. 同其他开发组一样,我们也同样面临着如何解决开发时间与资金流的平衡。如果我们没有资金去支持我们的开发,那么我们就只有有限的资源去做开发。其中一个方式就是“缩小开发规模”——做一个不完整的产品,先行回笼部分资金;但是这样的策略会导致一些问题。比如说开发者可以迅速的搭建起项目的整个构架,随后填入一些不太容易后续升级的功能;一旦资金回笼之后很可能出现开发者懒得再去更新的情况。类似开发者快速开发一件产品并通过所谓“新产品”来保证资金回流的情况很常见,有点类似于“吸毒”(我们听到过这种形容方法)。另外,一个“功能不完整”的产品会很快随着用户基础的增加而迅速进入衰老期,不会给用户带来长期的满意度,而这也不是我们想期待的结果。
The other option is to do the work in our 'free time', thereby allowing us to generate cash flow from other endeavors, which for the IXEG team, means our normal jobs. All of our team members are mature members of their industries and are very good at what they do, getting promotions and more responsibilities along the way. They bring that same professionalism and patience to this project but they cannot forgo such attention to detail to their normal jobs or their families either and so the time frame 'is what it is'. We are fortunate that our team members are very stable and will be here to see the project through. So what do we getfor our patience?...and the final question, is it worth it? 既然资金流可能无法满足,那另外一个办法就是在我们“空余时间”进行开发,而这也让我们可以通过其他的手段获取资金支持——对于我们IXEG的成员来说,我们正式的工作就是我们资金的来源。我们所有的成员并非全职开发者,都是普通的上班族,在各行各业从事着自己工作、担负着各种责任。我们的成员秉持同样的专业态度与耐心对待工作与对待IXEG的开发,但同时他们又要面对自己的工作与家庭。我们很幸运,因为我们的成员目前生活与工作状态都很稳定,也愿意最终看到我们的项目成果。所以,我们的耐心会换来什么呢?还有最后一个问题,这到底值得吗?
It is time to confess that we have a beta-team in place already and though they really only have an 'alpha' version, we are very close to getting them something much further along and closer to a beta version. We have witnessed first-hand the human nature of being left 'wanting' after the honeymoon. What we mean by this is we have had people say, "go ahead and give us what you have" and for a few days, it is great. After that short period though, they quickly come back and say, 'what about feature A, when are you putting that in?', and we realize that cutting features before they're complete simply leaves us all waiting longer, and in some cases, for the 'next product', which could take an even longer time. 是时候确认一些事情了。我们已经建立了一个产品的测试团队,尽管他们现在所能拿到的737C仅仅是alpha版本,但我们很快就能给他们一个更加完善的版本,也跟接近beta测试版。我们见证了人们过了蜜月期还想要更多的心理状态(译注:此处为直译,解释看后面)。什么意思呢?我们看到有人说“把你们现有的东西拿来”,然后他们拿到了产品,第一天反馈下来结果很好;过了很短的一段时间,他们说“某某功能怎么没有呢,你们什么时候会把这功能加进去呢”。我们意识到,在产品的一些功能还未完成前就匆匆上马,会让我们开发组等待的时间更长。在某些特定环境下,比如说为了制作“下一个产品”,会让整个制作周期大幅延长。
So the task set-before us is simple. If we want to have the 'next generation' of simulation quality, accuracy and features, then we simply have to keep at it and this is one thing we do well. Those who have followed the project have seen the progress, from no 3D to 3D, from no lnav to lnav, from no exterior to 3D exterior and from no custom sounds to a custom sound engine, etc. 所以,我们面前的目标很简单。如果我们想制作一个拥有次世代级别质量、精度与功能的模拟插件,那么我们就将坚持把我们的这个项目一直做下去。那些一直关注我们项目的朋友们见证了我们的项目进度,从没有3D座舱到有了3D座舱、从没有LNAV到有了LNAV、从没有外部建模到有了外部建模、从没有自定义的声音到有自定义的声音。
We believe this year will be our year, but we do not know exactly when, we work on it regularly as time permits. The FMS is a long way along, but a few critical things remain. We have all been around the block long enough to know the dangers and dejection of early releases and feature incomplete products. All of us have probably had that feeling of "we wish they would have taken just a bit longer to get itright". That's what IXEG chooses to do given our circumstances. We hope you will agree when you finally experience it. 我们相信,2015年是属于IXEG的一年,但我们不知道我们的第一个产品什么时候发布。我们在时间允许的情况下一直在稳步推进制作。制作FMS需要很长的时间,我们依然有一些重要的功能需要完成。我们心里对不完善产品提早上市的风险了然于心。我们所有成员大概心里都有“我们花在制作商的时间长一点,那么产品就会更好一些”的想法。而这也是IXEG在目前X-Plane插件制作环境下的一个决定。我们希望大家可以在最终使用了我们的产品之后认同我们的想法。
A quick word regarding the 'teaser videos'. The goal of the videos is not one of marketing, though it clearly has an effect to that end and that is a bit of a side benefit. We are simply tired of finding out how deep a product simulation was AFTER we bought it. It has always been our goal to put our money where our mouth is and a video speaks volumes about what a product is actually like touse for the end user. We do not release videos at any particular milestone,there is no schedule, we simply do them whenever we want to show some aspect of the simulation, whether it is a systems feature or a usability feature or just to show we are making progress. More videos may or may not be forthcoming in the future, certainly the latest ones show a lot of features that do not need to be shown repeatedly. 另外针对“吊胃口”视频的一些说明。我们发布这些预览操作视频并不只是扩大影响力——虽然这些视频确实对我们的影响力产生了一定的正面作用,算是个副作用吧。我们只是厌倦了在购买了产品之后如何发现产品多么牛B。我们一如既往的想法就是:好钢用在刀刃上,钱也一样;而产品用户更愿意接受一个介绍产品的直观视频。我们并不会因为我们制作到了某个关键点就放一个视频出来,相反我们对于公开视频并没有一个时间表,我们只是在某个时间想与大家分享一下模拟了哪些东西,比如说我们又增加了一个系统功能、一个易用性功能、或者纯粹告诉一下大家我们还在制作中。未来不一定会有更多的视频放出,毕竟我们最近的一个视频已经展示了我们产品很多的功能,这些功能也不必一次次的重复展示。
So we will continue on as we have time, finish up and polish what needs to be polished and then we will package and release it, and we believe it will be worth the patience! 我们会花时间继续制作,完成需要完成的部门,将需要提升的部分再做提升。之后我们会把飞机打包然后公布。我们相信,大家的等待是值得的。
另外不知为什么, the task set-before如果中间的横杠去掉(原文无横杠),修改之后提示含有危险参数。