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发表于 2023-8-10 21:55:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
video: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/mp/readtemplate?t=pages/video_player_tmpl&action=mpvideo&auto=0&vid=wxv_1571617564370239490
来源于Breaking Aviation News&Video这哥们估计原来是想拍个视频秀一把,结果秀到坑里了。。。
所以撞了以后不是想着怎么评估一下飞机会不会着火,怎么离开驾驶舱,第一个想到的居然是先把摄像头关了!听首歌吧,这个不错的。You can always go around

video: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/mp/readtemplate?t=pages/video_player_tmpl&action=mpvideo&auto=0&vid=wxv_1571844050075353090


We’re on short final and nothing was looking right.
I was seeing red over red, white over white
and I couldn’t seem to remember how that saying went anyway but
I was staring straight down at the runway
and all I could think of was about setting myself up
to ungraciously dismantle this perfectly good little airplane.
And, and then off in the distance, I heard a voice
and I think it was that of my flight instructor saying

“You can always go around”.

You can always go around
if it don’t look right coming down.
Don’t wait until your sideways, maybe sliding on the ground.
You can always go around.

I know that when, when I learned to fly
my instructor was yelling in my ear
how we’re in carb’ heat cold, climb out, pitch, flaps to go
take it ’round the patch, one more time again

But I know now, he was showing me
that’s just because the nose is pointing down.
If it doesn’t look right,
give it one more try.
You can always go around.

You can always go around
if it don’t look right coming down.
Don’t wait until your sideways, maybe sliding upside down.
You can always go around.

You’re coming in,
you see you’re high and fast,
but your mind is set on somehow getting down.
The runway leads to grass that leads into trees.
Little beads of sweat are dripping from your brow.

You still got time.
Simply change your mind.
It would sure be nice to fly this plane again.
With the wings still straight
this ain’t no place to hesitate.
Pitch and power, gear and flaps.
Hey, “Go around”!

You can always go around
if it don’t look right coming down.
Don’t wait until your sideways maybe sliding upside down.
You can always …
You can always go around!


近期团购优惠: 猕猴桃、飞行员保险、所有人的重疾、BOSE耳机、雷朋眼镜



















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