可能大家都觉得波音一道歉,责任都是波音的了吧。“We at Boeing are sorry for the lives lost in the recent 737 MAX accidents.”
“The history of our industry shows most accidents are caused by a chain of events. This again is the case here, and we know we can break one of those chain links in these two accidents. As pilots have told us, erroneous activation of the MCAS function can add to what is already a high workload environment. It's our responsibility to eliminate this risk. We own it and we know how to do it.”从航空业发展的历史可以了解到,大部分事故都是由一连串因素所引发的,这次也不例外。我们相信可以在解开事故原因链条上的其中一环上发挥作用。飞行员告知我们,MCAS功能的错误激活,会增加原本已经很高的工作负荷。消除这一风险是我们责无旁贷的职责。我们知道如何把这项工作做好。
The aisle stand trim switches can be used to trim the airplane throughout the flight envelope and fully complies with the reference regulation. Simulation has demonstrated that the thumb switch trim does not have enough authority to completely trim the aircraft longitudinally in certain corners of the flight envelope, e.g. gear up/flaps up, aft center of gravity, near Vmo/Mmo corner, and gear down/flaps up, at speeds above 230 kts.