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English Version Sorry

发表于 2014-7-21 00:11:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Hello Everyone,If you dont understand english sorry

As a player,I sugguest you guys to drive some heavy metal at first,not the little plane.Because the little plane is too fast and hard for newbie to control.First,I strongly sugguest the boeing then airbus,also,most of the airbus are expensive.In the boeing,I suguest boeing787 and 777.It is easy to control and not so ugly.English Version Sorry-6913

  Second,if you want to open door,
With the United Boeing 747, exploring the plane ([shift 9 then using mouse control and period key or shift . ] enables traveling thru the plane) nd.
some doors can be opened including restroom doors and a few outside doors, but for those, the plane has to be on the ground.I dont know why my word turn grey,but it is not a problem.Ok,back to our topic,I think not all the plane can open the door,because boeing 787 and 757 cannot notbut 747can.So,I think you need to try one by one.

             If you really want to download plane,

Just download the zip of the plane you want to use and then extract the content to your Aicraft folder in XPX.

It should look like:


Most planes there are pretty rubbish though. Recommend Carenado and X-aviation instead.

But it is so expensive
lET TALK HOW TO TAKE OFF,take off is the most easy part in a flight.

FirstEnglish Version Sorry-9787 ls dun touch the wheel first
Second:release your parking break
Then:turn your flap into 15,and start move front
Ater that:When you are in the middle of the run way,change the flap to 30

                         Then You Can Have A
Happy flying !
English Version Sorry-7490
发表于 2014-8-22 18:25:58 | 显示全部楼层
这是在练英语么?English Version Sorry-4561 English Version Sorry-6637 English Version Sorry-614
发表于 2015-10-27 21:38:38 | 显示全部楼层

你让cessna C-172速度快过空客、波音的任何一款飞机试试?

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