ASCA and SF only make two parts of the sky look better: the clouds and the sky color.
- Active Sky provides weather.
- ASCA provides textures for skies and textures plus structures for clouds.
- Sky Force also provides textures for skies and textures plus structures for clouds. (It also has a basic weather engine as a bonus.)
Main difference between ASCA and Sky Force: ASCA can inject TEXTURES on the fly into the sim, depending on the weather. So your sky color may change during a flight if needed and the textures of the clouds may change too. However, ASCA can only do that with its own textures! (Or, to make it more complicated, with ENVTEX sky textures. So not ENVTEX cloud textures.)
Sky Force can't inject textures on the fly but provides a lot more STRUCTURES than ASCA does. So your cloud structures may be more varied but your sky color won't change and neither will your cloud textures.
If you run SF clouds and skies without ASCA nothing will be changed dynamically when it comes to textures. However, if you run SF clouds WITH ASCA but all ASCA options turned off still nothing will be changed dynamically because ASCA only does that with its own textures. If you want cloud and sky textures to change dynamically stop using SF and only use ASCA.
The best compromise imho is to use ASCA for dynamically changing sky textures only (the change of a sky color during a flight really makes a difference!) and to use SF for clouds only (the change of a cloud texture is less noticable imho... if noticable at all: the amount of structures SF offer is more important and I like the SF textures more than the ASCA ones). Then you will have the best of both worlds. But running ASCA without any texture enabled will do absolutely nothing.