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[其他] 飞机动力学模型(.xml文件)

发表于 2024-11-20 08:53:30 来自手机来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 liu../ 于 2024-11-20 15:58 编辑


<control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="0.2*/><control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture' value ='*1.0°/><solve-weight idx="0" weight="200.0*/><solve-weight idx="1" weight="200.0*/></approach>
<!-- Cruise configuration -->
<cruise speed="64" alt="0" fuel="1.0*>
<control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="0.75"/><control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture" value=*1.0*/><control-setting axis="/controls/flight/elevator-trim" value="0.0*/><solve-weight idx="0" weight=*200.0*/><solve-weight idx="1" weight="200.0*/></cruise>
<!-- pilot's eyepoint -->
<cockpit x="-0.23" y="0" z="-0.30"/>
<fuselage ax="1.37* ay="0" az="-0.71* bx="-4.81" by="0" bz="-0.65"
width="0.71" taper="0.16" midpoint="0.17*/>
I treat it as a perfectly rectangular wing for now. Note that
the dihedral is exaggerated to simulate hull-interference effects on a high-wing aircraft; once YASim models that properly, the angle should be reduced to something like 2 degrees.
Note that the J-3 Cub has no flaps. With a stall speed of 25kt, who needs them? From what I've read, the ailerons add lots of drag.
<wing x="-0.80" y="0.42" z="0.0" taper="1.0" incidence="2" twist="-3" length="4.87" chord="1.60" sweep="0" dihedral="5" camber="0.1"><stall aoa="18" width="4" peak=*1.5/>
<flap0 start=".31" end="0.85" lift="1.5" drag="1.4"/>
<control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron" control="FLAPO" split="true"/>
<control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron-trim" control="FLAPO" split="true"/><control-output control="FLAPO"side="left"
<control-output control="FLAPO" side="right"
<hstab x=*-4.87" y="0.05" z="-0.42" taper="0.8" effectiveness="1.24"
length="1.49" chord="1.13* sweep="0"><stall aoa="16" width="4" peak=*1.5*/>
<flap0 start="0" end="1" lift=*1.4" drag="1.2"/>
<control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator" control="FLAPO*/>
<!-- Elevator trim moves the entire stabilizer, so is particularly effective -->
发表于 2024-12-4 04:44:28 | 显示全部楼层
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